Choreographed by  Chris Jones -
Description 4-Wall, 64 Count, Intermediate Line Dance
Music Dreams of Martina - Hal Ketchum - (CD: Lucky Man...Album)

1-8	Back Rock, diagonal right locks forward, rock forward, diagonal left locks forward
1-2	Cross rock right behind left rock back onto left
3&4	Right diagonally forward to right, lock left behind right, right diagonally forward
5-6	Rock diagonally forward onto left, recover onto right
7&8	Left diagonally forward to left, lock right behind left, left diagonally forward
9-16	Rock forward, recover, 1/2 turn right shuffle, 1/2 turn left shuffle, right coaster step
9-10	Rock forward on right, rock back onto left
11&12	Turn 1/2 to right stepping right forward, left up to right, right forward
13&14	Turn 1/2 to right stepping left back, right up to left, left back
15&16	Right back, step left next to right, step right forward
17-24	Walk left right, kick & touch, sailor step, 1/4 turning sailor step
17-18	Walk forward left then right
19&20	Kick left forward, replace left, touch right to the right side
21&22	Cross right behind left, step left to left side, step right to right side
23&24	Turn 1/4 left stepping left behind right, step right to right side, step left to left side
25-32	Right shuffle forward, 1/2 turning shuffle, rock back recover step forward touch
25&26	Right forward, step left up to right, right forward
27&28	Turn 1/2 to right stepping left back, right up to left, step left back
29-30	Rock back onto right, forward left
31-32	Step forward right, touch left next to right
33-40	Kick left forward & touch toe back, turn 1/4 right, touch toe back & toe forward, 
	right shuffle forward, left kick out out
33&34&	Kick left forward, replace left, touch right toe back, turn 1/4 right stepping on right
35&36	Touch left toe back, replace left, touch right toe to left toe
37&38	Right forward, step left up to right, right forward
39&40	Kick left forward, step left to left side, step right to right side
41-48	Bump right left right, left right left ,step side together side together side
41&42	Bump hips right left right
43&44	Bump hips left right left
45-46	Step right to right side, step left next to right
47&48	Step right to right step left next to right step right to right side
49-56	1/4 turning left shuffle, rock forward recover, 3/4 turning shuffle left shuffle forward
49&50	Turn 1/4 left stepping left forward, step right to left, step left forward
51-52	Rock forward right, rock back onto left
53&54	Turn 3/4 to right stepping forward right, step left to right, step forward right
55&56	Left forward, step right up to left, left forward
57-64	Rock forward recover, 1/2 right shuffle step to left side & 2 x, syncopated sailors
57-58	Rock forward right rock back onto left
59&60	Turn 1/2 to right stepping forward right, step left up to right, right forward
61&62&	Step left to side, step right behind left, step left to left, step right to right side
63&64	Step left behind right, step right to right side, step left to left side (angling body to right).