Margarita Nights
Choreographed by Dave & Lesley Mather (See Description Partner Dance, 64 count. Starting right side-by-side (aka. sweetheart). Same footwork throughout except where stated. Music Margarita Nights - Pete Redfern. Free download from
1-8 Vine Lt Kick; Vine Rt Hitch & turn Rt. 1-4 Lt side, Rt behind, Lt side, kick Rt forward & across Lt 5-8 Rt Side, Lt behind, Rt side, hitch Lt. as you make ¼ turn Rt. (Count 8, Indian position facing OLOD)
9-16 Vine Lt touch; step, point, step, point. 1-4 Lt Side, Rt behind, Lt side, touch Rt in place. 5-8 Step fwd Rt, point Lt to LT side, Step fwd Lt, point Rt to RT side,
17-24 Step back, point, step back, touch; Vine Rt, Hitch & Turn Lt. 1-4 Step back Rt, point Lt to LT side, Step back Lt, touch Rt in place. 5-8 Rt Side, Lt behind, Rt side, hitch Lt. as you make ¼ turn Lt. (Count 8, return to sweetheart facing LOD)
25-32 Shuffle Fwd x2; Step, pivot turn x2. 1-4 Lt shuffle forward, Rt shuffle forward, 5-8 Step fwd Lt, pivot ½ turn Rt; Step fwd Lt, pivot ½ turn Rt. (Count 5, release Lt hands, turn under raised Rt hands. Resume sweetheart on count 8)
33 - 40 Vine Lt, hitch Rt ¼ turn Lt; Vine Rt (Man turns ½ Rt, Lady kicks Lt) 1-4 Lt Side, Rt behind, Lt side, hitch Rt as you make ¼ turn Lt. 5-8 MAN: Rt Side, Lt behind, Rt side, hitch Lt as you make ½ turn Rt on ball of Rt foot. LADY: Rt Side, Lt behind, Rt side, kick Lt forward & across Rt. (Count 4, release Lt hands, Take Rt hands over Lady’s head. Now facing ILOD) (Count 5, double hand hold at waist height behind man’s back) (Count 8, release Lt hands, maintain Rt hand hold. Now facing partner)
41-48 Vine Lt & Kick, Vine Rt & Kick 1-4 Lt side, Rt behind, Lt side, kick Rt forward & across Lt 5-8 Rt Side, Lt behind, Rt side, kick Lt forward & across Rt (Count 8, pick up Lt hands in cross hand hold, Lt on top)
49-56 Step Kick, Step Kick. Lady ¾ turn Lt into sweetheart. 1-4 Step Lt to side, kick Rt across Lt. Step Rt to side, kick Lt across Rt. 5-8 MAN: Step Lt, Rt, Lt in-place, then scuff Rt making ¼ turn Lt. LADY: Step Lt ¼ Lt, step Rt ½ turn Lt, Step Lt in-place, scuff Rt. (Count 5, Lt hands over Lady’s head to resume sweetheart facing LOD)
57-64 Rt shuffle, Lt shuffle. Man: walk fwd & touch. Lady: Full turn Rt & touch. 1-4 Rt shuffle fwd, Lt shuffle fwd. 5-8 MAN: Walk fwd Rt, LT, Rt, touch Lt in place. LADY: Full turn Rt on Rt, LT, Rt, touch Lt in place (Count 5, Release Lt hand, raise Rt. Resume sweetheart on count 8) April 2013