Choreographed by Bonnie Newcomer & Mindy Cingle (07/03) (847) 545-9584 
Description  64 Count,Progressive Partner Dance, Side by Side position: Facing LOD
Lady To Gent's Right, Inside hands joined Gent's footwork is listed.
Lady's footwork is the mirror image of Gent's
Music Cool, Cool Mardi Gras - Scooter Lee

1-2	Left toe-heel strut forward
3-4	Right toe-heel strut forward
5-6	Left toe-heel strut forward
7-8	Right toe-heel strut forward

9-10	Left toe-heel strut across Right
11-12	Right toe-heel strut back
13-14	Left toe-heel to side with 1/4 turn Right (CW) to face partner (double hand hold)
15-16	Right toe-heel strut across Left

17-18	Left step to left side, Right step behind Left
19-20	Left step to left side, Right step across Left
21-22	Left step to left side, Right step behind Left
23-24	Left step forward 1/4 turn Left (CCW) to face line of dance, hold

25-26	Right step forward, hold
27-28	Pivot on Left 1/2 turn Left (CCW), hold
29-30	Right step forward, hold
31-32	Pivot on Left 1/2 turn Left (CCW), hold

33-34	Right step forward (down LOD), Left slide up to Right 
35-35	Right step forward, hold
37-38	Left step forward (down LOD), Right slide up to Left 
39-40	Left step forward, hold

41-42	Right step forward, hold
43-44	Pivot on Left 3/4 turn Left (CCW) to face partner (double hand hold)
45-46	Right step to right side (traveling RLOD), Left step next to Right
47-48	Right step to right side (traveling RLOD), Hold

49-52	Left mambo step forward (L-R-L) forward and back, Hold
53-56	Right mambo step back (R-L-R) back and forward, Hold
57-60	Left mambo step forward (Left-Right-Left) forward and back, Hold
&	Pivot on Left 1/4 turn Right (CW) to face down LOD
61-64	Right mambo step forward (Right-Left-Right) Rock forward - step down - step together, Hold
Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert November 2003