Make me an Offer
("...I can't refuse...")
Choreographed by Johnny Montana (May 1996)
Description  4 wall line dance, 48 beats, 50 steps/movements.
Music  She Made Me an Offer - Rick Tippe
Beer & Bones - John Michael Montgomery
Life’s a Dance - John bfichael Montgomery
What a Way to Go - Ray Kennedy,
Corinna Corinna - Brooks & Dunn

	Present, Together. Present, Together
1-2 	Touch left heel forward, step left next to right
3-4 	Touch right heel forward, step right next to left
	Point. Together, Point, Together
5-6 	Touch left toe out to left side, step left next to right
7-8 	Touch right toe out to right side, step right next to left
	Step, Slide W/finger Snap. Step. Slide W/finger Snap
9-10 	Step left to left side, slide right next to left and touch and snap fingers.
11-12 	Step right to right side, slide left next to right and touch and snap fingers.
	Curving steps /Scuffs
Note: 	The next 8 counts are done moving in a semi (1/2) circle to the left.
	You will end up facing the wall behind you (1/2 turn CCW)
13-14 	Step forward left, scuff right
15-16 	Turning slightly to the left step forward right, scuff left
17-18 	Turning slightly to the left step forward onto left, scuff right
19-20 	Turning slightly to the left step forward onto right, scuff left.
	Rolling Grapevine left (rolling 360 or 3 point turn), Touch
(Note: 	Could he a straight vine)
21-22 	Step left to left side, pivoting 1/2 turn to left (CCW) step onto right
23-24 	Pivoting on right make 1/2 turn left (CCW) step onto left, touch right toe next to left.
	Grapevine right. 1/2 turn W/Scuff
25-26 	Step right to right side, step left to right side crossing behind right.
27-28 	Step right to right side, pivoting 1/2 turn to right (CW) while scuffing left during turn.
	Grapevine Left W/1/4 turn, 1/2 Turn
29-30 	Step left to left side, step right to left side crossing behind left.
31-32 	Step left to left side making a 1/4 turn left (CCW), pivoting on left foot make a 1/2 turn left
	(Total turn here is 3/4 CCW).
	Step, Slide W/Double clap, Step, Slide W/Single Clap
33&34 	Step forward right, clap hands, slide left next to right and clap hands.
35-36 	Step forward right, slide left next to right and clap hands.
	Step, Slide W/Double clap, Step, Scuff W/Single Clap
37&38 	Step forward right, clap hands, slide left next to right and clap hands,
39-40 	Step forward right, scuff left and clap hands.
	Jazz box W/Scuff, Jazz box W/Scuff
41-42 	Cross left over right and step, step back onto right.
43-44 	Step slightly to left side on left, scuff right
45-46 	Cross right over left and step, step back on left
47-48 	Step slightly to right side on right, scuff left.
	Begin dance again
Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert October 2002