Mad Cowboy
Choreographer: 	Gordon Elliott. Sydney. Australia. April 2008. (02) 9550-6789
Description 	32 Count, 2 Wall Line Dance Feet Together Weight On The Left.
Music: 		Mad Cowboy Disease - John Michael Montgomery. Intro 32 beats
		CD:Mad Cowboy Disease - CD: single.
For a fully called demo visit 
	Forward, Forward-Side-Side, Across,
	Touch, Across, Touch, ½ Turn
1-2 	Step R forward, step L forward,
&3-4 	Step R to the side, step L to the side, step R across in front of left,
5-6 	Touch L toe to the side, step L across in front of right,
7-8 	Touch R toe to the side, turn 180 degrees right stepR together.
	Touch, Click-Hitch-Touch, Kick,
	Behind-Side-Across, Hip, Hip
1-2 	Touch L toe to the side, hold & click fingers,
&	Hitch L knee across in front of body,
3-4 	Touch L toe to the side, kick L forward at 45 degrees left,
5& 	Step L behind right, step R to the side,
6 	Step L across in front of right,
7-8 	Side rock onto R push hips right, step L to the side push hips left.
	Sailor Step, ¼ Turn Sailor Step,
	Forward, ¾ Hook, Shuffle Forward
1&2 	Sailor : step R behind L, step L to the side, step R to the side,
3&4 	Sailor step turning 90 degrees left step: LRL
5-6 	Step R forward, turn 270 degrees left hook L heel to right shin,
7&8 	Shuffle forward step LRL
	Forward, Rock, 1 & ½ Turn Triple,
	Forward, Rock, ½ Turn, Drag
1-2 	Step R forward, rock back onto L,
3&4 	Travel back turning 540 degrees right triple step : RLR,
5-6 	Step L forward, rock back onto R,
7 	Turn 180 degrees left step L forward,
8 ## 	Drag to touch R toe together
	Kick, Kick, Sailor Step,
	Kick, Kick, Behind-Side-Across
1-2 	Kick R across in front of left, kick R to the side,
3&4 	Sailor: step R behind left, step L to the side, step R to the side,
5-6 	Kick L across in front of right, kick L to the side,
7&8 	Step L behind right, step R to the side, step L across in front of right
	Hip, Hip, Touch, Full Turn,
	Hip, Hip, Touch, Full Turn
1-2 	Step R to the side push hips right, side rock onto L push hips left,
3-4 	Touch R toe behind left, turning 360 degrees right take weight on R,
5-6 	Step L to the side push hips left, side rock onto R push hips right,
7-8 	Touch L toe behind right, turning 360 degrees left take weight on L
	Repeat the dance in new direction
Restart: 	on wall 4 dance to beat 32 ( ## ) then restart facing the front