1-4 Step left forward, slide right to left, step left forward and touch right.
5-8 Step right backward, slide left to right. step right backward and touch left.
9-10 Step left forward and touch right.
11-14 Step right backward, slide left to right, step right backward and touch left.
15-18 Lady does one full turn to left (L-R-L & touch R) to end in front of man. As she begins this
turn she picks up mans left hand in her right and when turn is complete she is in the wrap.
Man steps in place L-R-L & touch right while wrapping the lady.
19-22 Lady does 1 1/4 turn to right (R-L-R and touch L) without letting go of hands.
You will end in back to belly position (lady in front) in wrap facing OLOD.
Man steps in place R-L-R and touch left as he turns 1/4 to right.
23-26 Lady does one full rolling turn to left (L-R-L and touch R). Do not let go of hands.
Man vines to the left (L-R-L and touch R)
27-30 Do not let loose of hands while lady turns to the right and walks R-L-R and touch L to end
behind man. Man is now in wrap.
Man turns 1/4 to left as he steps R-L-R and touch L
31-34 Step left forward, slide right to left, step left forward and touch right. Man id the same
35-38 Lady steps to mans left side and moves around in front of him to end on his right in the wrap.
She will be stepping R-L-R and touch L. As lady is moving around man he picks up her left in his
right and on the touch he picks up her right in his left. man steps in place R-L-R and touch L
39-42 Man gently pulls lady's left hand to turn her 1/2 to left then releases lady's left hand and she
rests it on mans right shoulder. He will pick up lady's right hand and hold it behind her back.
She is stepping L-R-L and touch R as she does this turn.
Man steps L-R-L and step R as he switches hands (as listed above) and will also be turning SLIGHTLY to the right. ~
43-46 Lady arches her back and rolls from right to left using 4 beats of music with no foot movement.
She needs to end with weight on left.
Man moves left to right as he supports his arched lady using 4 counts of music with no footwork.
He needs to make sure his weight ends on his left
47-50 Lady turns 1/2 to right in 3 steps and touch (R-L-R and touch L) as she moves in front of man with
right hands joined and left hands joined on lady's shoulders.
Man steps slightly forward to face LOD while stepping R-L-R and touch L.
51-54 Step left forward, slide right beside left, step left forward and touch right. Man is the same.
55-58 Do not let loose of hands while lady does 1/2 turn to right in three steps and a touch (R-L-R and touch L)
and will bow to man on the touch.
Man steps in place (R-L-Rr and touch L) and will bow to lady on the touch.
59-62 Lady steps L-R-L and touch Rr while moving to the left around behind man.
Her hands will rest on his shoulders. Man steps L-R-L and touch R in place.
63-66 Lady moves to the left and around in front of man continuing to face LOD while stepping
R-L-R and touch L. You will let loose of left hands here and rejoin them on the touch in
position to start dance over again.
Man steps in place R-L-R and touch L
Begin again.