Lost Highway

Choreographed by 	Marilù Teseo (Jan 2015) - marilu.teseo@alice.it
Description 	32 Count, 4 Wall Line Dance
Music 		Lost Highway - Cody Jinks
Alt 		Mamas Fried Chicken - Billy Yates

	Step and slide (2)
1-2 	Step right diagonal forward, drag left next right
3-4 	Step right diagonal forward, scuff left
5-6 	Step left diagonal forward, drag right next left
7-8 	Step left diagonal forward, scuff right

	Turning ¼ Jazz box, rocking chair
1-2 	Step right foot across the left foot, Step left foot back behind the right foot
3-4 	Step right foot sideways parallel to the left turning ¼ on right,
	step left forward in front of the right
5-6 	Rock/step forward on right. Recover weight back onto left
7-8 	Rock/step back on right. Recover weight forward onto left
	Vine , touch left, touch right
1-2 	Step right side, cross left behind
3-4 	Step right side, touch left together
5-6 	Step left side, touch right together
7-8 	Step right side, touch left together
	Rolling vine, steps diagonally
1-2 	Turn ¼ left and step left forward, turn ½ left and step right back
3-4 	Turn ¼ left and step left side, touch right together
5-6 	Step right diagonally forward, touch left together (weight to right)
3-4 	Step left diagonally back, stomp right together (weight on left)
	Repeat.				January 2015