Pete Burdack Partial revision of Settlin - Junior Willis Description 54 Count Partner Dance Couples start in cape position facing LOD Music Settlin’ - Sugarland Centerfold - J. Geils Band Losing StreakChoreographed by
STEP, POINT, STEP, POINT, ¼ TURN JAZZ BOX1-2 Step right forward, point left to left side 3-4 Step left forward, point right to right side 5-6 Cross right over left, step left back 7-8 Step right ¼ turn to the right to face OLOD, step left to left side
WEAVE, ¾ TURN, SHUFFLE1-2 Step right behind left, step left to left side 3-4 Cross right over left, step left to left side and turn ¼ over right shoulder to face RLOD 5-6 Step right ¼ to face inside LOD, step left ¼ to face LOD 7-8 Shuffle forward stepping right, left, right
HIP BUMPS, ROCK STEP, COASTER1&2 Hip bump left, right, left 3&4 Hip bump right, left, right 5-6 Rock forward on left and recover weight on right 7&8 Step left back, step right next to left, step left forward
SWITCHES, V-BLOCK STEP1&2& Kick right, replace weight on right, kick left, replace weight on left 3&4& Kick right, replace weight on right, kick left, replace weight on left 5-6 Step right forward and slightly right, step left forward and slightly left 7-8 Step right back to home, step left back to home Variation: Instead of switches, Point right heel, replace weight, left heel, and replace weight for counts 1,2,3,4.
STEP, LOCK, STEP, BRUSH, STEP, LOCK, STEP, BRUSH1-2 Step right forward, step left behind right 3-4 Step right forward, brush left next to right 5-6 Step left forward, step right behind left 7-8 Step left forward, brush right next to left
BRUSH STEPS X41-2 Step slightly Fwd and to the right (Men should step in front of ladies’ left.), Brush left 3-4 Step slightly Fwd and to the left (Ladies should step in front of men’s right.), Brush right 5-6 Step slightly Fwd and to the right (Men should step in front of ladies’ left.), Brush left 7-8 Step slightly Fwd and to the left (Ladies should NOT step in front of men’s right.), Brush right
SHUFFLE FORWARDS/WINDMILL1&2 Step forward right, left next to right, right forward 3&4 Step forward left, right next to left, left forward 5&6 Step right, left, right over left shoulder to face RLOD 7&8 Step left, right left, over left shoulder to face line of dance
Hands: During 5&6 disconnect left hands and bring right hand over ladies head. During 7&8 disconnect right hands and reconnect left hands and bring over ladies head. Once facing front line of dance rejoin both hands in cape
effort has been made to ensure these cue
Sheets are accurate, Should you find any
errors, Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert |
| | October 2007 |