Loose Women

Choreographed by Rob Fowler - [44] 0151 6372217
Description 64 count 2 wall beginner/intermediate Line dance
Music Loose Women by The Dean Brothers

1-3  Slide R to side making 1/4 turn to R on 3
4 L together, R together
5-8 Making 3/4 turn to right with 4 L chugs
9-12 Repeat 1-4 sliding L
13-16  Repeat 5-8 4 R chugs
17-24  4 heel struts forward R L R L
25-32 4 toe struts backwards R L R L
33-36 R to side, slide L together clap on 4 (shimmy)
37-40 Repeat 33-36
41-48 Repeat 33-40 shimmying to L
49 &50 L side, L together, R side
51 & 52 Make 1/2 turn L, L heel forward, L together, R toe touch behind
53-54  Jump both feet forward, clap hands
55-56 Jump both feet back, clap hands
57-64  Making one full revolution pivoting on L making 8 R chugs

Begin again


C.D's & Tapes Available from Broken Wheel Music 01473 827376
Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert
http://www.arjjazedance.free-online.co.uk April 2001