Choreographed by Jan en Connie van den Bos (Big Bad John and Lady C) 01/05
info@bigbadjohn.nl - www.bigbadjohn.nl - info@ladyc.nl - www.ladyc.nl
Description 48 count  Intermediate level Partner Circle waltz 115 BPM
Begin in Sweetheart position, face direction line of dance (FLOD)
Music  George Strait – You Look So Good In Love – CD: The Very Best Of
Intro: 4x6 counts or other waltz music from 110 to 130 bpm

Sweetheart position, holding both hands.
Sweetheart position, holding both hands.
1-6 Twinkle, Twinkle (FLOD) Twinkle, Twinkle (FLOD)
1-3 step L across R, step R to right side, L step in place step L across R, step R to right side,L step in place
4-6 step R across L, step L to left side,R step in place step R across L, step L to left side, step R in place


Lock Step, Lock Step (FLOD)

Lock Step, Lock Step (FLOD)
1-3 step L forward, R lock behind L, step L forward step L forward, R lock behind L, step L forward
4-6 step R forward, L lock behind R, step R forward step R forward, L lock behind R, step R forward
raise left arm in arch turning LADY right!
Arms get crossed, still holding both hands. (FLOD)
turns ½ right forward (CW), pass under arm MAN! 
Arms get crossed, still holding both hands. (RLOD)


Waltz Forward, Waltz Forward (FLOD)

Forward Turn ½ right (CW), Waltz back (RLOD)
1-3 step L forward, R step beside L, L step in place step L forward turning ¼ right,Turn ¼ right R step backwards,
4-6 step R forward, L step beside R, step R in place step back L, step back R, step L beside R,R step in place
Get the Lady right in front of you, adjusting with arms!
MAN and LADY are now facing each other MAN still (FLOD)
Let go of right hand, left hand still holding during dance
MAN and LADY are now facing each otherLADY . (RLOD)
Let go of right hand, left hand still holding during dance.


Twinkle, Twinkle (FLOD)

Twinkle, Twinkle (RLOD)
1-3 step L across R, step R to right side,  step L in place  step Lacross R,  step R to right side, step L in place
4-6 step Racross L, step L to left side, step R in place step R across L,  step L to left side, step R in place
MAN turns ¼ left (CCW), raise left arm turning LADY right!  LADY turns ¾ right forward (CW), pass under arm of MAN!


Waltz Turn ¼ left (CCW), Step, Slide (face centre)

Triple Turn ¾ right (CW), Step, Slide (face wall)
1-3 step L fwd ¼ turn left,  step R beside L,  step L in place step L fwd ½ turn right,Turn ¼ right R step beside L, L step in place
4-6 step R to side, slide L to R over 2 counts step R to side,  slide L to R over 2 counts
Change places, MAN turns ½ left (CCW),
raise left arm turning LADY right!
Change places, LADY turns ½ right forward (CW), 
pass under arm of MAN


Waltz Turn ½ left (CCW), Step, Slide
(face wall)

Triple Turn ½ right (CW), Step, Slide
(face centre)
1-3 step L  to left side turning ¼ left,
Turn ¼ left R step beside L,  step L in place
Step L forward turning ¼ right,
Turn ¼ right R step beside L, step L in place
4-6 step R to side,  slide L to R over 2 counts step R to side, slide L to R over 2 counts
MAN turns ¼ left (CCW), raise left arm turning LADY left! LADY turns ¾ left forward (CCW), pass under arm of  MAN!


Waltz Turn ¼ left, Waltz forward (FLOD)

Triple Turn ¾ left (CCW), Waltz forward (FLOD)
1-3 step L to left side turning ¼ left,
step R beside L, step L in place
step L to left side turning ¼ left,
Turn ½ left  step R beside L, step  L in place
Return in Sweetheart position, holding both hands. Return in Sweetheart position, holding both hands.
4-6 step R forward, step L beside R, step R in place step R forward,  step L beside R, step R in place
Sweetheart position, holding both hands. Sweetheart position, holding both hands.


Waltz forward, Waltz back (FLOD)

Waltz forward, Waltz back (FLOD)
1-3 step L forward, step R beside L, step Lin place step L forward,  step R beside L, step L in place
4- 6 step back R, step L  beside R, step R in place step back R,  step L beside R, step R in place
Start again and smile!!!!
Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert
http://www.arjjazedance.free-online.co.uk March 2005