ROCKS WITH LEFT VINE & TOUCH (LADY TURN RIGHT UNDER ARMS)1-4 Rock back onto L, forward onto R, rock back onto L, forward onto R 5-8 Step L to side, cross R behind L, step L to side. touch R. beside L, LADY:-Make full turn CW under Gent's raised L arm, stepping on R-L-R touch L beside R Resume Original Hold
ROCKS WITH3/4TURN CW (LADY LEFT VINE WITH 1/4TURN CW9-12 Rock back onto R, forward onto L., rock back onto R, forward onto L 13-16 Release hands – Make 3/4 turn CW stepping on R-L-R. touch L. beside R LADY Step L to side, cross R. behind L., step L. to side, make 1/4turn CW stepping R. beside L Both now facing L.O.D. in "Sweetheart"
BOTH STEPS NOW ON SAME FOOTFORWARD LOCK STEPS WITH 1/4TURN CW 17-20 Step forward onto L, lock R behind L, step forward onto L, hitch R. knee, 21-24 Step forward onto R. lock L. behind R, Step forward onto R, turning 1/4 CW hitch L. Knee, LEFT VINE WITH 1/4TURN CCW, FORWARD WALKS WITH 1/4TURN CCW TURNING LADY 1 1/4TURNS CW UNDER ARMS 25-28 Step L to side, cross R behind L Step L. to side with 1/4turn CCW, hitch R knee, 29-32 Walk forward on R-L-R making 1/4tum CW, hitch L. knee, LADY Make 1 1/4tums CW under Gent's raised R arm stepping on R-L-R hitch L knee, Both partners should now be facing diagonally to OLOD.
Of the remaining 32 counts the next 30 are identical for both partners, the last 2 allow the lady to face the gent. in the original starting position.TURNING SHUFFLES WITH WINDMILL TURNS 33-36 Step L. to side, close R to L, step L to side making 1/2 turn CCW (release L. hands & take R. hands over lady's head), hitch R. knee re-joining hands at hip level, 37-40 Step R. to side, close L to R, step R to side, touch L beside R, (Both now facing diagonally to centre - R.L,O.D) 41-44 Step L. to side, close R to L, step L. to side making 1/2 turn CCW (release R. hands & take L hands over lady's head), hitch R. knee resuming "Sweetheart" hold, 45-48 Step R. to side, close L. to R., step R. to side, touch L. beside R (Both now facing diagonally to wall - L.O.D.)
WEAVE RIGHT WITH 1/4TURN CW, WEAVE LEFT WITH 1/4TURN CCW49-52 Step back onto L, make 1/4turn CW onto R, step L. across in front of R., hold, 53-56 Step back onto R, make 1/4 turn CCW onto L, step R. across in front of L, touch L. beside R. turning CW slightly to face OLOD
CHASSES LEFT & RIGHT WITH LADY TURNING TO STARTING POSITION 57-60 Step L to side, close R. to L., step L. to side, touch R. beside L 61-62 Step R to side, close L. to R 63-64 GENT Step R. to side, touch L. beside R. resuming starting hold. LADY Make 1/2turn CW onto R. step L. beside R. resuming starting hold. START AGAIN CHOREOGRAPHED FOR N.E.A.T. (W.D.) WORKSHOP, MARCH 1999 AND DEDICATED TO THE GROUPS "MORE TEQULA" & "LONESTAR COUNTRY".
C.D's from HONKYTONK JUKEBOX - [44] 01604 582020- www.westerndance.co.uk | |
effort has been made to ensure these cue
Sheets are accurate, Should you find any
errors, Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert |
http://www.arjjazedance.free-online.co.uk | June 2002 |