Lonesome Swing

Choreographed by 	Dave & Lesley Mather (www.silverwingswdc.co.uk) (davemather@excite.com)
Description  	64 count Partner Dance,. Starting Man on inside, both facing LOD,
		holding inside hands. Opposite footwork throughout.
Music 		A Real Good Way To Wind Up Lonesome - James House, CD ‘Days Gone By’
Teaching Track: 	Take Me Away - James House, CD ‘Days Gone By’
1-8 	Rt Kick ball-change x2, walk, walk, shuffle.
1&2, 3&4 	Rt kick ball-change twice. (Lady kicks on Lt.).
5-6,7&8 	Walk fwd Rt, Walk fwd Lt, Rt shuffle fwd.
9-16 	Lt Kick ball-change x2, walk, walk, shuffle.
1&2, 3&4 	Lt kick ball-change twice. (Lady kicks on Rt).
5-6,7&8 	Walk fwd Lt, Walk fwd Rt, Lt shuffle fwd.
17-24 	Step turn ½ Lt, Step turn ¼ Lt, Weave, point Lt.
1-4 	Step fwd Rt, ½ turn Lt, Step fwd Rt ¼ turn Lt.
5-8 	Cross Rt over Lt, step Lt to Lt, cross Rt behind Lt, point Lt to Lt side. (Lady: cross Lt over Rt.)
(Note: 	Count 18 Lady turns Rt.)
Hands: 	Release hands on count 17. Pick up double hand hold on count 21
25-32 	Step Lt, point Rt, Step Rt, touch Lt, Lt Shuffle ¼ Rt, Rt shuffle ¼ Rt.
1-4 	Step Lt in place, point Rt to Rt, Step Rt in place, touch Lt in place.
5&6,7&8 	Turning clockwise, shuffle ¼ turn LRL and ¼ turn RLR.
Hands: 	Count 29 change to swing hold.
Note: 	Counts 29 – 40 danced as East Coast Swing
33-40 	Rock, Step, Lt Shuffle ¼ Rt, Rt shuffle ¼ Rt, Rock, Step
1-2, 3&4 	Rock Lt behind Rt, Recover on Rt, Turning clockwise, shuffle ¼ turn LRL.
5&6,7-8 	Turning clockwise, shuffle ¼ turn RLR, Rock Lt behind Rt, Recover on Rt.
41 – 46 	Lt Shuffle Fwd, Turn ½ Lt & Rt shuffle Bwd, walk back Lt Rt
1&2,3&4 	¼ turn Lt & Lt shuffle down LOD, Turn ½ Lt and Rt shuffle back.
5-6, 	Step back Lt, Rt.
Hands: 	Count 41 hold inside hands. Count 43 release hands to turn and pick up inside hands.
47-52 	½ Lt & Lt shuffle Fwd, changing sides. Rt shuffle Fwd, walk fwd Lt, Rt
1&2,3&4 	Turn ½ Lt and Lt shuffle diagonally fwd,(Changing sides), Rt shuffle fwd
5-6 	Step fwd Lt & Rt
Hands: 	Counts 47 & 48, Lady turns & changes sides under gent’s Left hand
53-56 	Step turn ½ Rt, Step turn ¼ Rt
1-2 	Step fwd Lt, ½ turn Rt,
3-4 	Step fwd Lt ¼ turn Rt
Hands: 	Release hands on count 53, rejoin in double hand hold on count 56.
57-64 	Weave, point Rt, ¼ Rt shuffle to Rt, Lt shuffle fwd.
1-4 	Cross Lt over Rt, step Rt to Rt, cross Lt behind Rt, point Rt to Rt side. (Lady: cross Rt over Lt.)
5&6 	¼ turn Rt on Rt shuffle crossing behind lady. (Lady shuffles to outside LOD)
7&8 	Lt shuffle fwd.
Hands: 	Count 60 release gents Lt hand. Count 61&62 lady changes side
	under gent’s right hand.				April 2014