Lonely Girl
Choreographed by Kalvin & Pat Finch MIB Dance kalvinjfinch@yahoo.co.uk Description 48 Count Partner Dance Opposite Footwork Throught FLOD holding inside hands Music Lonely Girl - Brinley Addington Alt Honey I’m Good - Andy Grammer
1-8 Cross Rock recover shuffle ¼ turn pivot ½ turn shuffle forward 1-2 Cross rock left over right Recover on to left 3&4 Shuffle ¼ turn left 5 6 Pivot half turn left (step forward on right and turn half turn left) 7&8 Shuffle towards your partner Right shuffle
9-16 Rock fwd recover shuffle back(Lady shuffle into wrap) rock back both shuffle fwd 1-2 Rock forward on left recover (double hand hold) 3&4 Left shuffle back (Lady’s shuffle half turn left into wrap) both facing outside LOD 5-6 Back rock right recover 7&8 Right shuffle forward
17-24 Vine left touch in, side right step behind rock right side recover ¼ turn left 1-4 Man vines to the left touch in Right / Lady rolls to the right touch in left 5-8 Man steps right to side left behind and then rocks on his right to the side recovers on left facing LOD/ Lady’s roll a 1 and ¼ turn left stepping left right left right to face LOD into sweet-heart position
25-32 Double shuffle rock recover shuffle half turn 1&2 Right shuffle forward 3&4 Left Shuffle forward 5-6 Rock forward on right recovers back left 7&8 Shuffle half turn Right to face RLOD (Bring lady’s right hand over head so you’re in VW RLOD)
33-40 Rock recover shuffle half turn left (LOD) two step full turn left and shuffle forward 1-2 Rock forward on left recover back right 3&4 Shuffle half turn left back into sweet-heart position 5-6 Full turn left stepping Right Left (Lady full turn Right) 7&8 Right shuffle forward (holding inside hands)
41-48 Step forward on left touch right behind half turn right scuff pivot half turn double walk 1-2 Step forward on left touch right behind 3-4 Half turn right on to right and scuff left forward facing RLOD 5-6 Step forward left pivot half turn right 7-8 Walk forward Left, Right
Start Again March 2016