Little More Country

Choreographed by 	Heather & Fred Staddon 01603749058 (May 2010)
Description 	64 count partner dance both same footwork
		Both staring in sweetheart position facing line of dance
Music 		A little more country then that - Easton Corbin
1-8 	Both Side Rock, Behind Side Cross x2
1-2 	right rock out to right recover back on left
3&4 	right step behind left step left together step right across left
1-2 	left rock out to left recover back on right left
3&4 	step left behind right step right together step left across right
1-8 	Both Walk Forward, Forward Coaster Step, Walk Back Coaster Step
1-2 	walk forward right left
3&4 	step forward right left step together right step back
1-2 	walk back left right
3&4 	step back left, right step together, step left forward
1-8 	Both Rock ˝ Turns Right Shuffle Fwd Pivot ˝ Right Shuffles Right Fwd
1-2 	right rock forward, recover left
3&4 	˝ turn right shuffle forward
1-2 	step forward left pivot ˝ turn right
3&4 	left shuffle forward
1-4 	Walk Coaster Step Lady ˝ Turn
1-2 	Lady step right left make ˝ turn left in front of man
3&4 	coaster back right left together right step forward
	Man walk forward right left coaster forward right left together right step back
1-4 	Both Change Sides Left Hand In Hand Left Shoulder To Shoulder
1-2-3&4 	Lady walk forward left right make ˝ turn left, triple step in place to face LOD
	Man walk forward left right make ˝ turn left, triple step in place to face RLOD
1-8 	Both Side Rock, Behind Side Cross Left Shoulder To Shoulder Hold Left Hands
1-2 	right rock out to right side recover on left right
3&4 	Right step behind left step left together step right across left
1-2 	left rock out to left side recover on right left change to right hand hold
3&4 	Left step behind right step right together step left across right
1-4 	Lady Rock And Shuffle Man ˝ Turn Shuffle Back To Sweetheart Hold
1-2- 	Lady rock back on right recover on left
	Man step forward right pivot ˝ turn left
3&4 	Lady right shuffle forward, Man right shuffle forward
1-8 	Walk Forward, Forward Coaster Walk Back Coaster Step
1-2 	walk forward left right
3&4 	step forward left step right together step back left
1-2 	walk back right left
3&4 	step back right step together left step forward right
1-8 	Windmill Turn Shuffles Going Forward x4
1&2 	left shuffles 1/4 turn right OLOD hold both hands
1&2 	right shuffle 1/2 turn left ILOD
	Release left hand bring right over lady’s head as you turn pick up mans left hand ,
1&2 	left shuffle 1/2 turn left OLOD Release right hands as you turn, and then re- pick up
1&2 	right shuffle 1/4 turn left.LOD sweetheart position

1-4 	Rock Recover Rock Recover And Step
1-2- 	rock forward left recover right
3&4 	rock left out to left side recover right step left together
	End of dance start again