Lips Are So Close

Choreographed by 	Germaine Martin & Claude Lemieux, Canada (2015)
Description		32 count, Partner Dance  Beginner-Intermediate 
		Sweetheart Position Facing LOD
		The steps of a man and woman are the same type, except where indicated
Music: 		When Your Lips Are So Close - Gord Banford - Intro 32 counts
1-8 	H: Cross Rock Step, Shuffle Fwd, Roc k Step, Shuffle 1/2 Turn,
	F: Cross Rock Step, Shuffle Fwd, Step, Pivot 1/2 Turn, Shuffle Fwd,
1-2 	Rock cross left over PD - back on right
3&4 	Shuffle left, right, left, forward
	Release hands L, move the right arm on top of the head of the woman
5-6 	H: Rock right forward - recover to left
	F : Step forward - Pivot 1/2 turn left RLOD
7&8 	M: Shuffle right, left, right, 1/2 turn right
	F: Shuffle right, left, right, forward
	Reverse Sweetheart Position, facing RLOD man to inside the circle
9-16 	H: Rock Step, Shuffle 1/2 Turn, Walk, Walk, Shuffle Fwd,
	F: Step, Pivot 1/2 Turn, Shuffle Fwd, Walk, Walk, Shuffle Fwd,
	Release hands R, pass the left arm above the head of the woman
1-2 	H: Rock forward - back on right
	F: Step forward - Pivot 1/2 turn right LOD
3&4 	H: Shuffle left, right, left, 1/2 turn Left
	F: Shuffle left, right, left, forward
	Position Sweetheart facing LOD
5-6 ` 	Step forward - Step forward
7&8 S	huffle right, left, right, forward
17-24	 H: Walk, Walk, Shuffle Fwd, 1/2 Turn, Back, Back Shuffle,
	F: 1/2 Turn, Back, Shuffle Back, Back, Back, Back Shuffle,
	Do not let go of the hands, the arms move Lover the head of women
1-2 	H: Step forward - Step forward
	F: 1/2 turn to the right and left back - step right back
	position Arch, crossed Llifted hands over the hands R
	Hands L are down man facing LOD and woman facing RLOD
3&4	 H: Shuffle left, right, left, forward
	F: Shuffle left, right, left, backwards
	Do not release hands, the man passes under the left arm
5 6 	H: 1/2 turn left and step right back - left back
	F: Step back - Step back
	Hands R in the back of the man and woman hands in front of the L
	Partners are facing RLOD
7&8 	M: Shuffle right, left PD, recoiling
	F: Shuffle left, right, left,backwards
25-32 	Turn 1/2, Step, Shuffle Fwd, Cross Rock Step, Chasse To Right.
	Let go right hands, pass the left arm above the head of the woman
1-2 	1/2 turn left stepping front - right forward
	position Sweetheart facing LOD
3&4 	Shuffle left, right, left, advancing
5-6 	Rock step right over left - recover to left
7&8 	Chassé right, left, right, side, right		November 2015