Let’s Go Missing

Choreographed by 	Lois Lightfoot & Andrea Glanvill
Description 	64 count Partner Dance, starting side by side/sweetheart position facing LOD
Music 		Missing - William Michael Morgan
		32 Count Intro. Starting on vocals
Sec 1 	Step touch out & in 1/4 turn, touch out & in.
1-2 	Step right diagonally forward, touch left next to right,
3-4 	Touch left out to side, touch left next to right.
5-6 	Making a ¼ turn Right step left to side, touch right next to left. (OLOD)
7-8 	Touch right out to side, touch right next to left
Sec 2 	Side Left, right behind, ball cross step side, rock Back, chasse left.
9-10 	Step right to right side, cross left behind right.
11&12 	Step right to side, cross left in front of right, step right to side.
13-14 	Rock back on to left, recover weight onto right.
15&18 	Step left to side, closer right to left, step left to side.
Sec 3 	Behind, ¼ side, shuffle ¼, behind ¼ side shuffle forward.
17-18 	Cross right behind left, step left ¼ turn left (LOD)
19&20 	Making ¼ turn left  step right to side, close left to right, step right to side.(ILOD)
21-22	 Cross left foot behind, step right ¼ turn to right. (LOD)
23&24 	Step left forward, step right to left, step left forward.
Sec 4 	Rocking chair right, Pivot 1/4, cross shuffle.
25-26 	Rock forward onto right, recover weight onto left.
27-28 	Rock back onto right, recover weight onto left.
29-30 	Step right foot forward, pivot ¼ turn left. (ILOD)
31&3 	Step right over left, step left to side, step right over left.
Sec 5 	Side rock, cross shuffle, side behind & across step side.
33-34 	Rock left out to side, recover weight onto right.
35&36 	Cross left over right, step right to side, step left over right.
37-38  	Step right to right side, cross left foot behind right.
39&4 	Step right to side, cross left in front of right, step right to side.
Sec 6 	Rock recover 1/4, shuffle forward, pivot ½ walk forward x2.
41-42 R	ock back on to left making ¼ turn left, recover weight onto right. (RLOD)
43&44 	Step left forward, step right to left, step left forward.
45-46 	Step right foot forward, pivot ½ turn left (LOD)
47-48 	Walk forward right-left . Adding in a ladies full turn as an option
Sec 7 	Rock, recover, back, kick, slow coaster step, brush.
49-50 	Rock forward onto right, recover weight onto left,
51-52 	Step right back, kick left forward
53-54 	Step left back, close right next to left,
55-56 	Step left forward, brush right next to left.
Sec 8 	Step lock, shuffle forward right & left.
57-58 	Step right forward, lock left foot behind right.
59&60 	Step right forward step left to right, step right forward.
61-62 	Step left forward, lock right behind left.
63&64 	Step left forward, step right to left, step left forward.
	Start again & Enjoy				February 2017