Dance Again Slide
MAN | LADY | |
1-4 | Step side right,
touch left next to right, step side left, touch right next to left |
Step side left,
touch right next to left, step side right, touch left by right |
For styling, look at your partner and smile during these side step touches | ||
5-8 | Step side right,
slide left next to right, step side right, touch left next to right |
Step side left,
slide right next to left, step side left, touch right next to left |
you start step 5, bring left arm up over lady's head, release right
hands, slide left hand in front of her and across her right arm until you reach her right hand. Take her right hand in your left hand on step 6 |
9-12 | Step side left,
touch right next to left, step side right, touch left next to right |
Step side right,
touch left next to right, step side left, touch right next to left |
For styling, turn to face partner and clap free hands as in the dance "shadow" | ||
13-16 | Step side left,
slide right next to left,step side left (crossing behind lady),touch right next to left |
Step side right,
slide left next to right, step side right, step left next to right |
step 14, release lady's hand. As you finish on step 16, you should move
next to the lady and assume the sweetheart position, side by side, still facing LOD |
BOTH: | ||
17-20 | Step
forward right at a 45 degree angle, touch left next to right, step back on left with a 45 degree angle left, touch right next to left. |
21-24 | Step
forward right at a 45 degree angle, slide left with weight next to
right, step forward right at a 45 degree angle, touch left next to right |
25-28 | Step
forward left at a 45 degree angle, touch right next to left, step back
right at a 45 degree angle, touch left next to right |
29-32 | Step
forward left at a 45 degree angle, slide right with weight next to left, step forward left at a 45 degree angle, touch right next to left |
33-36 |
hands and take a big step forward onto right at a 45 degree angle on the
first beat, slowly slide left up next to right, touch left next to right and clap hands on fourth beat |
For styling, clap hands with your partner | ||
37-40 | Step
forward left at a 45 degree angle on the first beat, slowly slide right
up to left, touch right next to left and clap hands on the fourth beat |
For styling, clap hands with your partner | ||
41&42 | Shuffle backwards (right, left, right) | |
43&44 | Turning shuffle back, left, right, left as you both make a half turn to your left | |
are now facing RLOD. As you finish the turning shuffle, the lady takes
the man's right hand with her right hand behind his back and takes his left hand in her left hand in front |
45&46 | Right kick ball change (kick right to front, step down on ball of right, step in place on left) | |
47&48 | Right kick ball change | |
49&50 | Step forward on right, pivot ½ turn to the left | |
Raise left arms over lady's head as you turn into the Sweetheart Position | ||
MAN | LADY | |
51-58 | Four shuffle steps forward, starting with the right | Four shuffle
steps fwd, with one full turn total to the Rt while doing the 2nd and 3rd shuffles |
hands are released during both of the half turning shuffles. On the fourth shuffle, lady moves in front of the man back into tandem position. |
BOTH: | ||
59-60 | Stomp right twice | |
61-64 | Swivel hips left, center, left, center | |
Weight ends on man's left, lady's right | ||
Every effort
has been made to ensure these cue Sheets
are accurate, Should you find any errors, Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert |
http://www.arjjazedance.free-online.co.uk | November 2005 |