Choreographer 	Raymond Lamarche country@videotron.ca 
Description 	Partner Dance intermediate 64 counts Position Open Promenade
		main R hand, L hand opposite step
Music: 		Let’ Em Roll – Eric Heatherly
1-8 	Step lock, step scuff, step lock, step scuff
1-4 	LF forward, RF behind LF, LF forward, scuff with RF
5-8 	RF forward, LF behind RF, LF forwards, scuff with LF
9-16 	Vine to L, vine to R ¼ turn R
1-4 	Vine to L on LRL, finish with touch
5-8 	¼ turn to R on R vine on RLR, finish with LF touch,
	face to face, L hand of Man, R hand of Lady
17-24 	Vine to L, vine to R, scuff
1-4 	Vine to L on LRL, finish with RF touch
5-8 	Vine to R on RLR, finish with LF scuff
Option for the Lady: full turn on the vines under the L arm of Man
25-32 	(Changing place ½ turn L), step, slide, step, flick, step, kick, step, touch
1-4 	Step LF, slide RF to LF, step LF forward, ½ turn to L with a RF flick
	The Lady passes underneath the L arm of Man while doing ½ turn to R
5-8 	Step RF forward, kick LF to R of , step RF behind, touch LF to RF
	The Lady kicks RF in between the Man’s legs, changes hands, R hand for Man and L hand for Lady
33-40 	(Changing place ¼ turn R), step, slide, step, scuff, step, touch, step, touch
1-4 	Step RF forward, slide LF to RF, step RF forward while doing a ¼ turn to R, scuff LF to RF
	The Lady passes underneath the R arm of Man while doing a ¼ turn to the L
5-8 	Step LF forward, touch RF to LF, step RF back, touch LF to RF
41-48 	Step, slide, step, scuff, step, slide, step, scuff
1-4 	Step Lf forward, slide RF to LF, step LF forward, scuff RF
5-8 	Step RF forward, slide LF to RF, step RF forward, scuff LF
49-56 	Heel strut x2, slow coaster step fwd, hold
1-4 	LF Heel, put down, RF heel, put down
5-8 	Step LF forward, step RF to LF, step LF back, pause
57-64 	Toe strut x2, slow coaster step backward, scuff
1-4 	RF toe behind, back on heel, LF toe behind, back on heel
5-8 	Step RF back, LF to RF, RF forward, scuff LF
Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert
http://www.arjjazedance.free-online.co.uk November 2007