The Last Time Slide
Choreographed by Max Perry
Description  32 Count 4 Wall Line Dance
Music  The Last Time Uh Huh - Scooter Lee

 1,2,3 	Touch Right heel forward, Touch Right toe to right side, Stomp Right next to Left,
4& 	Kick Right forward, Quickly Step Right next to Left (together)
5-6 	Touch Left heel forward, Touch Left toe to left side
7,8 	Stomp Left next to right, Kick Left forward
1&2 	Left Shuffle back (L,R,L),
3&4 	Right Shuffle back (R,L,R)
&5&6 	Step Lt back (&), Touch Rt heel fwd (5), Step Rt next to Lt (&),Touch Lt heel fwd (6),
&7,8 	Step Left next to Right (&), Touch Right heel forward (7), Clap Hands (8)
1&2 	Right Shuffle forward (R,L,R),
3-4 	Step Left forward & turn 1/2 right, Step in place on Right
5-6 	Step Left forward, Slide Right up to Left but slightly behind (3rd pos.),
7,8 	Turn 1/4 left and step forward on Left, Touch right toe to right side
1-2 	Cross Right over Left, Step Left to left side
3&4 	Cross Right behind left, Step Left to left side, Step Right next to Left
&5&6 	Step Left to left side & slightly back (diagonally)(&), Touch Right heel in place (5)
	Step Right in place (&), Step Left next to Right (6) (heel jacks or vaudevilles)
&7&8 	Step Right to right side & slightly back (diagonally) (&), Touch Left heel in place
	(7),Step Left in place (&), Touch Right toe next to left (together)
Note: I originally choreographed this for the Scooter Lee song, but have been told it also works nicely to 
"Hog Wild - Hank Williams Jr. as well as many other songs that have a slower funky hip hop beat. 
This dance has always been one that I have personally liked to do. Have fun and enjoy! Max
Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert September 2002