Choreographed by Bill & Jane Turner - July 2000
Description Partner Cha Cha Starts in sweetheart position
Music The Chair –George Strait,

1-2	 Left heel forward left toe back
3&4 	Cha cha cha forward, LRL
5-6 	Right heel forward right toe back
7&8 	Cha cha cha forward RLR
9-10 	Left rock forward, right rock back
11&12 	Cha cha cha in place
13-14 	Right foot rock back, left rock forward
15&16 	Cha cha cha in place
	(not letting go of lady’s hands , man turns lady CW and into back-hammer)
17-18 	Left foot step pivot to RLOD
19&20 	Cha cha cha forward LRL
21-22 	Right foot forward 45 degrees in step lock
23&24 	Cha cha cha forward RLR
25-26 	Left foot forwards 45 degrees in step lock
27&28 	Cha cha cha forward LRL
29-30 	Right step pivot to LOD
31&32 	Cha cha cha forward RLR now back into sweetheart)
33-34 	Walk forward left right
35&36 	Cha cha cha
37-38 	Walk forward right left
39&40 	Cha cha cha
41-42 	Step left to left side, cross right behind,
43&44 	Cha cha cha (side close side)
	Man 					Lady
45-46 	Step right to right turning Step left behind right 		Step right to right turning Step left behind right
47&48 	1/4 turn to face OLOD on the cha cha cha 		1/4 turn to face OLOD on the cha cha cha
	Lady’s Option 1 1/4 turns to face during steps - 45-47
	(man now directly behind lady with arms outstretched)
49-50 	Left rock across right, rock back onto right
51&52 	Cha cha cha in place
53-54 	Right rock across left foot, Rock weight back onto left
55&56 	Side close ¼ turn to RLOD (on the cha cha cha)
	(dropping lady’s left hand and then picking up into sweetheart again when facing LOD) -
57-58 	Left step pivot clockwise to LOD
59&60 	Forward on the cha cha cha
61-62 	Walk forward right left
63&64 	Cha cha cha
	(Man brings lady’s hands over her head into VW position)
65-66 	Step left behind right, step right to side 		Step left to side, Step right behind left
	( traveling behind lady) (traveling in front of man
67&68 	Cha cha cha on the spot
	(Man lets go of lady’s hands and picks up into sweetheart again)
69-70 	Step right behind left Step left to side (in front of lady) 	Step right to side, step left behind right (behind man)
71&72 	Cha cha cha
73-74 	Left rock forward, right rock back in place
75&76 	Cha cha cha
77-78 	Right rock back left, rock forward in place
79&80 	Cha cha cha
81-82 	Left foot step pivot to RLOD
83&84 	Cha cha cha forward (man bringing lady’s arms over to VW position)
85-86 	Right step pivot to LOD
87&88 	Cha cha cha forward (bringing both arms over to VW position again)
89-90 -	(Dropping lady`s left hand) – man walks fwd left right whilst lady turns CW travelling fwd on the left right
91&92 	Cha cha cha
93-94 	(Dropping lady’s right hand and picking up left) Turn CCW travelling forward on the right left Walk forward right left
95&96 	Cha cha cha.
	Begin again and enjoy!