Key To His Heart
1-2-3 |
MAN Couple will disconnect hands Slide left to left side, rock to back side of left with right, cross left in front of right to right |
LADY Step left making ¼ turn to the left, step right next side to left, step left making ¼ turn to the left |
will reconnect hands. Man will have his right hand on lady's left
shoulder and his left hand will be connected to lady's right hand. Couple are now in closed position. Man facing OLOD. Lady facing the ILOD |
4-6 7-12 13-15 16-18 19-21 22-24 25 |
right to right side, step left next to right, step right next to left Repeat steps 1-6 Couple is still in closed position Cross left over right, step right back to right side making ¼ turn to the left, step left making ¼ turn to the left Step back on right, step forward on left, step right next to left Cross left over right, step right back to right side making ¼ turn to the left, step left making ¼ turn to the left Step back on right, step forward on left, step right next to left Step left forward making ¼ turn to the left |
right back, step left back, touch right next to left Slide right to right side, rock to back side of right with left, cross right in front of left to left side Slide left to left side, step right next to left, step left next to right Cross right over left, step left making ¼ turn to the left, step right making ¼ turn to the left Step back on left, step right next to left, step left next to right Cross right over left, step left making ¼ turn to the left, step right making ¼ turn to the left Step back on left, step right next to left, step left next to right Step right forward making ¼ turn to the right |
Man will disconnect his left from lady's right. Man will have lady's left in his right hand | ||
26-27 | Step forward on right, step left next to right | Step
left making ½ turn to the right, step right making ½ turn to the right |
Couple will connect hands after turn in Cape Position | ||
28-30 | Step
forward on right, step forward on left, step right next to left Couples are now doing identical steps |
forward on left, step right next to left, touch left next to right |
31-33 34-36 37-39 40-42 |
left in front of right, step right to the right side, step left next to
right Cross right in front of left, step left to left side, step right next to left Step forward on left, step right forward making ½ turn to the left, step left forward making ½ turn to the left Step right forward, step left forward, step right next to left |
43-45 46-48 |
left making ¼ turn to the right, rock back behind left with right, cross left in front of right Step right to right side, step left next to right, step right next to left Couple should end dance in Tandem Position REPEAT |
left forward, step right making ¼ turn to the left, step left making ½ turn to the left Step in place with right, step left next to right, step right next to left | | September 2006 |