Keep In Touch
Choreographer Kathy Hunyadi, Danbury CT (U. S.) 203 -798-93 12
Description 48 counts, 4 Wall Line Dance - Intermediate - Section A: 56 counts - Section B:
Music Tomorrow's Tears by Jon Brosnan

Section A:
1-8 	Toe, Heel Struts Forward- RRLL.RRLL
9-16 	Monterey Turns -Touch R toe to right side, turn 1/2 right as You bring R together
	with L, touch L toe to left side, bring L together with right foot; REPEAT
17-24 	Toe, Heel Struts Backward - RR, LL, RR, LL
25&26 	Right Kick Ball Changes (2) - Kick R foot forward, step on ball of R foot. change weight to L
27&28 	REPEAT R foot kick ball change
29-32 	1/4 Turn Left; Stomps - Step forward on R foot, turn 114 left. step in place on L foot. Stomp R
	foot in place, Stomp L foot in place
33-40 	R Grapevine, Brush L, Left Grapevine, Touch R - Step to right on R cross step L foot behind
	R, step to right on R, brush L foot forward, Step to left on L, cross step R behind L, step to left
	on L. touch R next to L
41-48 	R Touch, Hitch & Slap, R Touch, Hitch & Slap, Hip Bumps-Touch R toes to right side,
	hitch R knee & slap with L hand touch R toes to right. hitch R knee & slap with L hand, step on
	R foot & bump hips twice right. twice left
49-56 	Side Shuffles, Rock Back - Shuffle to right side KL,R, rock back on L, step in place on R,
	shuffle to left side L,R,L, rock back on R foot, step in place on L
Section B: REPEAT counts 1 - 32 NOTE: (You hill hear a definite change in music)
33-40 	Stomp, Hold; Stomp, Hold - Stomp R foot forward & hold for 3 counts; Stomp L
	forward & hold for 3 counts
41-48 	Elvis Knees - Bend R knee in toward L (slow), straighten R knee while bending L knee in toward
	R (quick). straighten L knee while bending R knee (quick), straighten R knee while bending L knee in (quick), 
NOTE: Elvis knees can be repeated to the end of the song when Jon repeats words "Tomorrow's Tears". 
When using other ECS music you may eliminate Section B if necessary.