Just Let it Go

Choreographed by 	Chas Oliver (UK) March 2017
Description 	32 Count, 4 Wall Improver Line Dance
Music: 		Let it Go - George Strait. CD: Cold Beer conversation
		16 count intro.

Sect 1. 	Walk, Walk, Shuffle Forward , Step, Twist, Twist, ¼ Turn Twist.
1-2 	Walk forward Right , walk Left,
3&4 	step forward Right, step left to right, step forward Right,
5-8 	step forward onto Left, Twist both heels to the right,to the Left, twist to Right
	again at the same time turn ¼ to the left.

Sect 2 	Kick And Point, Kick And Point, Cross Rock, Chasse Right.
1&2	Kick right forward, step back onto Right, point left to side,
3&4 	Kick Left forward, recover onto Left , point Right to side,
5-6 	Cross rock right over Left, recover onto left,
7&8 	Step right to the side, step Left to right, step right to side,

Sect 3	Cross Rock, Chasse Left, ¼ Turn, Step ½ Turn, Step Back Point-Out To Side.
1-2 	Cross rock Left over right, recover onto Right,
3&4 	Step Left to side, step Right to Left, ¼ turn Left, stepping onto Left.
5-6 	Step forward onto Right, turn ½ to right stepping back onto Left,
7-8 	Step back onto right, point Left to side.

Sect 4 	Step Fwd ½ Turn Left, Step Back On Right, Left Shuffle Back,
	Step Back And Point-Step Forward And Point.
1-2 	Step forward on-left, ½ turn left stepping back onto right,
3&4 	Step back Left, step right to Left, step back on left,
5-6 	Step back onto Right, point Left to side,
7-8 	Step forward Left , point Right to side.
	Start Again .

Restart on wall 2. after count 24 add a &, by bringing left to Right. Start again from the beginning.
Tag ..End of Wall 7, add a 4 counts Right Rocking chair .
1-4 	Rock fwd onto Right, recover rock back onto Right. Right.
	Recover onto Left. Start the dance again. 			March 2017