I’m Staying

Choreographed by

Alan Haywood (UK) (October 2006)
alan.haywood@yahoo.com  ~ www.alanhaywood.co.uk 
Description  32 Count – 4 wall – intermediate

Where The Sidewalk Ends - George Strait CD: Pure Country – 100bpm
16 count intro, start on the word ‘Ends’
Any two-step music style will fit the dance nicely

Section 1
Walk forward R L, R cross rock & R side, walk back L R, L cross rock & L side
1-2 	Walk forward right, walk forward left
3&4 	Cross rock right over left, recover weight onto left, step right to right side
5-6 	Walk back left, walk back right
7&8 	Cross rock left over right, recover weight onto right, step left to left side
1st Restart – Wall 6 (music only) – dance up to count 8 – then restart the dance facing 3 o’clock
Section 2
& step L to L side, step R next to L, 1/4 L shuffle, R forward, 1/2 L, 1/4 L into R side shuffle
&1-2 	Step right next to left, step left to left side, step right next to left
3&4 	Step left 1/4 left, close right next to left, step left forward
5-6 	Step forward onto right, pivot 1/2 left
7&8 	Making 1/4 turn left step right to right side, close left next to right, step right to right side
2nd restart – Wall 7 – after vocals return, dance up to count 8 - facing 6 o’clock
	add ‘& step left next to right’ to restart the dance
Section 3
Walk back L R, L coaster heel forward, & R heel forward & L heel forward & walk forward R L
1-2 	Walk back left, walk back right
3&4 	Step back left, close right next to left, touch left heel diagonally forward
&5&6 	Step left next to right, touch right heel diagonally forward, step right next to left, touch left
	heel diagonally forward
&7-8 	Step left next to right, walk forward right, walk forward left
Section 4
Cross rock R over L, recover L, 1/4 R shuffle, L forward, 1/2 R, triple 1/2 R
1-2 	Cross rock right over left, recover weight back onto left
3&4 	Step right 1/4 right, close left next to right, step right forward
5-6 	Step forward onto left, pivot 1/2 turn right
7&8 	Make a 1/2 turn right stepping left right left
Two Restarts
	To keep in phase, there are two restarts.
	The first is during wall 6, (music only) dance up to count 8 section 1, and then restart the dance facing 3 o’clock.
	The second restart – during wall 7 after vocals return, dance up to count 8 section 2,
	add ‘& step left next to right’ to restart facing 6 o’clock.
	Really easy to spot, not as awkward as it reads! LOL!
Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert
http://www.arjjazedance.free-online.co.uk December 2006