I Still Believe            (2 Pages)

Choreographed by	Paul and Sharon Hergert phergert@wi.rr.com
Description	48 count partner waltz. Start in closed position, man facing LOD,
		lady facing RLOD, opposite footwork
Music		I Still Believe - Scooter Lee, 107 bpm, CD: The Best of Scooter Lee
		Intro:12 counts, start on vocals
Video		http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zJMhlu5yeHw&feature=youtu.be ;  
Man: Forward Waltz Basic; Lady: Back Waltz Basic
1-3 	Man: Step left forward, step right together, step left in place
	Lady: Step right back, step left together, step right in place
4-6 	Man: Step right forward, step left together, step right in place
	Lady: Step left back, step right together, step left in place
Crossing Twinkles
7-9 	Man: Cross left in front of right, step right together, step left in place
	Lady: Cross right behind left, step left together, step right in place
10-12 	Man: Cross right in front of left, step left together, step right in place
	Lady: Cross left behind right, step right together, step left in place
Both: Waltz Basic; Both: Step Back and Apart
13-15 	Man: Step left forward, step right together, step left in place
	Lady: Step right back, step left together, step right in place
16-18 	Man: Step back on right, step left together, step right in place
	Lady: Step left back, step right together, step left in place
	On counts 16-18 man slides his right hand down lady’s left arm,
	as he steps back, ending in double hand hold.
Man: Turns ¼ Right; Lady: Turns ¾ Left; Both: Basic Back
19-21 	Man: Step left starting ¼ turn right, step right finishing ¼ right, step left in place (OLD)
	Lady: Turn ¼ left on right, turn ½ right on left, step right in place (ILOD)
	Release man’s right & lady’s left hand, lady turns ¾ left under raised arms,
	end facing each other in double hand hold.
22-24 	Man: Step right back, step left together, step right in place
	Lady: Step left back, step right together, step left in place
	As both step back bring both hands slightly down and out to the side.
	Man faces OLD and lady faces ILOD.
Both: Step Together; Both: Step Back Into ¼ Turn;
Man Faces RLOD, Lady Faces LOD
25-27 	Man: Step left forward, step right together, step left in place
	Lady: Step right forward, step left together, step right in place
	As both step forward bring both arms slightly down and up and out to the side.
28-30 	Man: Step back on right turning a ¼ turn right, step left together, step right in place facing RLOD
	Lady: Step back on left turning a ¼ turn left, step right together, step left in place facing LOD
	As both turn bring both arms slightly down and up and out to the sides.
Both: Front Crossing ¼ Turns Rock Recover; Both: Front Crossing Turns Rock Recover
31-33 	Man: Cross left over right turning a ¼ right, turn ¼ left on left rock to right side, recover on left
	Lady: Cross right over left turning a ¼ left, turn a ¼ right on right rock to left side
	recover on right
	Count 31 drop man’s right & lady’s left, in a flowing motion bring man’s left & lady’s
	right hands across and in front as each turns to the inside. Count 32 turn to face each other. 
	Count 33, drop the man’s left & lady’s right hands and pick up the man’s
	right & lady’s left hands.
34-36 	Man: Cross right over left turning a ¼ turn left, turn a ¼ turn right on right rock to left, recover right
	Lady: Cross left over right turning a ¼ right, turn a ¼ left on left rock to right, recover on left
	On count 34, in a flowing motion, bring man’s right & lady’s left hand across and
	in front as each turn. Count 35 turn to face each other. Count 36 end with man’s
	right and lady’s left hand together, man facing RLOD and lady facing LOD.
37-39 	Man: Step left forward, pivot ½ turn right step right forward, step left forward
	Lady: Step right forward, pivot ½ turn left stepping back on left, step back on right
	On count 37 drop man’s right lady’s left hand, raise man’s left lady’s right,
	count 38 turn lady ½ turn left under raised arms while man turns ½ turn right,
	count 39 both end in closed position.
40-42 	Man: Step right forward turning a ¼ left, step to left side turning a ¼ left, step right in place (LOD)
	Lady: Step left fwd turning a ¼ right, step to right side turning a ¼ right, step left in place (RLOD)
	Lady: Full Turn Right; Both: Waltz Basic
43-45 	Man: Step left forward, step right together, step left in place
	Lady: Turns ¼ right stepping back on right, turns a ½ right stepping forward on left,
	turns a ¼ right stepping back on right
	Man raises his left & lady’s right hand dropping his right and turns the lady a
	full turn to the right down line of dance ending in closed position.
46-48	 Man: Step right forward, step left together, step right in place
	Lady: Step left back, step right together, step left in place
	Start Again					June 2013