I Hear You        [2 PAGES]

Choreographed by 	Manon Majeau & Réal Archbishop, Canada
Description 	Dance partners Intermediate 64 counts,Closed Position
		Man and woman face to face LOD RLOD
		Mans steps noted and woman are of opposite footwork , except where indicated
Music: 		I Hear You Knockin '- Dwight Yoakam Start on lyrics
Video 		https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=QbWOUXtLt8w
1-8 	M: Triple Step, Triple Step, Back Rock Step, Shuffle Fwd,
	F: Triple Step, Triple Step, Back Rock Step, Triple 1/2 Turn,
1&2 	M: Triple step left, right, left, left 			F: Triple step right, left, right, right
3&4 	M: Triple step right, left, right, right 			F: Triple step left, right, left, left
5-6 	M: Rock left behind - Back on the PD 			F: Rock right behind - recover to left
	Position Open Double Hand Hold, facing LOD Do not let go of the hands, the woman
	passes under the R arm and under the left arm of the man
7&8 	M: Shuffle fwd Left, right, left,				F: Triple step right, left, right, 1/2 turn left 
	Position Wrap, facing LOD man inside the circle

9-16 	M: Triple Step, Back Rock Step, Triple 1/4 Turn, Triple Step,
	F: Triple Step, Back Rock Step, Triple 1/4 Turn, Triple 1/2 Turn,
1&2 	M: Triple Step right, left , right, locally 			F: Triple step left, right, left, locally
3-4 	M: Rock left behind - Back on the R 			F: Rock right behind - recover to left
	Do not let go hands
5&6 	M: Triple step left, right, left, 1/4 turn right 		F: Triple step right, left, right, 1/4 turn right
	position Wrap, OLOD face, the man behind the woman
	Do not let go hands the woman passes under his R arm and under the L arms of the man
7&8 	M: Triple step right, left, right, on site 			F: Triple step left, right, left, 1/2 turn right
	Position Open Doubles Hand Hold man and woman face to face OLOD ILOD
17-24 	Back Rock Step, Shuffle Fwd, Triple 1/2 Turn, Back Rock Step,
1-2 	M: Rock left behind - Back on the R			F: Rock right behind - recover on left
	Release the R hand Women and the mans L-hand 
3&4 	M: Shuffle fwd left, right, left, 				F: Shuffle fwd right, left, right
	the woman passes under his left arm and under the R arms of the
	man's partners change sides, the woman behind the man passes
5&6 	M: Triple step right, left, right, 1/2 turn right 		F: Triple step left, right, left, 1/2 turn left
	Position Open Doubles Hand Hold, man facing ILOD and woman face OLOD
7-8 	M: Rock left behind - Back on the PD 			F: Rock right behind - recover to left
25-32 	1/4 Turn Fwd And Shuffle, Shuffle Fwd, Rocking Chair,
	Release the women L hand and the R hand of man
1&2 	M: 1/4 turn right and shuffle fwd L-R-L,  			F: 1/4 turn left and shuffle fwd R-L-R,
	Position Left Open Promenade facing LOD, the man outside the circle
3&4	M: Shuffle fwd right, left, right, 				F: Shuffle fwd left, right, left
5-6 	M: Rock forward - back on right 			F: Rock right forward - recover to left
7-8 	M: Rock left behind - recover on Right 			F: Rock right behind - recover to left
33-40 	M Chassé To Left, Triple Step, Back Rock Step, Shuffle Fwd,
	F: Chassé To Right, Triple Step, Back Rock Step, Shuffle 3/4 Turn,
	Release hands, partners change sides, the woman past the man
1&2 	M: Chassé left, right, left, side, left 			F: Chassé right, left, right, side, right
	Position Right Open Promenade facing LOD, the man in inside the circle
3&4 	M: Triple step right, left, right, in place 			F: Triple step left, right, left, in place
5-6 	M: Rock left behind - back on right diagonal to right 		F: Rock back on R recover to left diagonally right
	Release hands, partners change sides, the woman goes behind the man
7&8 	M: Shuffle L-R-L, advancing diagonally right F		F: Shuffle R-L-R, 3/4 turn right ILOD

41-48	M Triple Step, Rock Step Back (Shuffle Fwd) X2,
	F: Triple 1/4 Turn, Back Rock Step, (Shuffle Fwd) X2
1&2 	M: Triple step right, left, right, on site 			F : Triple step left, right, left, 1/4 turn right
	Position Left Open Promenade facing LOD, the man outside the circle
3-4 	M: Rock left behind - Back on the PD 			F: Rock right behind - recover to left
5&6 	M: Shuffle left, right, left, advancing 			F: Shuffle fwd right, left, right, 
7&8 	M: Shuffle right, left, right, advancing 			F: Shuffle fwd left, right , left, 

49-56 	Rock Step, Triple 1/2 Turn, 1/2 Triple Turn, Side Rock Step,
1-2 	M: Rock forward - back on right				F: Rock right forward - recover on left
	Release hands the partners change sides, the woman walks past the man
3&4 	M: Triple step left, right, left, 1/2 turn left 			F: Triple step right, left, right, 1/2 turn right
5&6 	M: Triple step right, left, right, 1/2 turn left 		F: Triple step left, right, left, 1/2 turn right
	Position Right Open Promenade facing LOD, the man inside the circle
7-8 	M: Rock left to left - back on right 			F: Rock right to right - recover to left
57-64 	M: Triple 1/2 Turn, 1/4 Triple Turn, Rock 1/4 Turn, Turn 1/2 Return, Hold, Hold.
	F: Triple 1/2 Turn, Triple 1/4 Turn, Rock 1/4 Turn, Turn 1/2 Return,. 1/2 Turn, Together
	The woman passes under the R arms of the man under his  L arm and 
	The partners change sides, the woman behind the man goes
1&2 	M: Triple Step Left, right, left, 1/2 turn right 		F: Triple step right, left, right, 1/2 turn Left
	Position Right Open Promenade facing RLOD the man outside the circle
3&4 	M : Triple step right, left, right, 1/4 turn right		F: Triple step left, right, left, 1/4 turn left
	Position Open Double Hand Hold, man facing ILOD and woman face OLOD
	Do not release hands
5 	M: Rock forward 1/4 turn left RLOD 			F: Rock right forward 1/4 turn right RLOD
	Release the wife of G D hand and hand of man
6 	M: 1/2 turn right and return to the PD 			F: 1/2 turn left and return to the PG
	Position Left Open Promenade facing LOD
	The woman passes under the left arm of the man and under his R arm 
7-8 	H: Pause - Pause					 F: 1/2 turn left and step back R- left beside right
	Repeat the starting position, man facing LOD and woman face RLOD   ~JANUARY 2016