I Climbed The Wall

Choreographed by	Jon Peppin (Dec 10)  -- 0413.714725 - travellingcowboy@iprimus.com.au
Description 	64 count-2 wall – Intermediate level line dance
Music: 		Tonight I Climbed The Wall - Alan Jackson - CD: A Lot About Livin'
		72 bpm Starts on vocals – 16 main counts in 
	Step, Lock, Step/Lock/Step, Together, Forward. Back, Coaster Step
1,2 	Step R forward, lock L behind R,
3&4 	Step R forward, lock L behind R, step R forward,
&5,6 	Step L beside R, step/rock R forward, rock/replace weight back on L,
7&8& 	Step R back, step L beside R, step R forward,
	Together, Forward, Back, Back/Cross/Back, Back/Cross/Back
&1,2 	Step L beside R, step/rock R forward, rock/replace weight back on L,
3&4 	Step R back, step/lock L over R, step R back,
5&6 	Step L back, step/lock R over L, step L back,
7&8 	Step R back, step L beside R, step R forward,

	Together, Rock R, L, Turning Sailor Step, Step Forward, Pivot ¾ R, Side Shuffle
&1,2 	Step L beside R, step/rock R to R side, rock/replace weight onto L,
3&4 	Turning 90 degrees R - R sailor step - stepping R, L, R, (3:00 wall)
5,6 	Step L forward, pivot 270 degrees R - weight on R,
7&8	 L side shuffle - stepping L, R, L, step R beside L, (12:00 wall)
	Together, Rock L, R, Behind Cross Shuffle, Rock R, L, Hinge ½ Turn R, Cross Shuffle
&1,2 	Step R beside L, step/rock L to L side, rock/replace weight onto R,
3&4 	Travelling R - L behind cross shuffle - step L behind R, step R to R side, step L behind R,
&5,6 	Step/rock R to R side, rock/replace weight onto L, turning 180 degrees R on L - step R o R side,
7&8 	Travelling R - L cross shuffle - step L over R, step R to R side, step L over R, (6:00 wall)

	Side, Cross, Rock, Roll 1¼ Turns L, Together, Step Pivot ½ R, Shuffle Forward
&1,2 	Step R to R side, step/rock L over R, rock/replace weight back on R,
3&4 	Travelling L - Turning 450 degrees (1¼ turns) - stepping L, R, L, (3:00 wall)
&5,6 	Step R beside L, step L forward, pivot 180 degrees R - weight on R, (9:00 wall)
7&8 	L shuffle forward - stepping L, R, L,

	Together, Paddle Turn R, Cross Shuffle, Rock R, L, Behind, Side, Cross
&1,2 	Step R beside L, paddle turn - step L forward, pivot 90 degrees R - weight on R, (12:00 wall)
3&4 	Travelling R - L cross shuffle - step L over R, step R to R side, step L over R,
5,6 	Step/rock R to R side, rock/replace weight onto L,
7&8 	Step R behind L, step L to L side, step R over L to face L45, (11:00 wall)

	Together, Rock Forward, Back, Together, Rock Forward, Back, Together, 
	Rock Forward, Back, Turning ½ R - Shuffle Forward
	The next 10 counts are done on the angles 
&1,2 	Step L to L side, step/rock R forward, rock/replace weight back on L,
&3,4 	Step R beside L, step/rock L forward, rock/replace weight back on R, (**)
&5,6 	Step L beside R, step/rock R forward, rock/replace weight back on L,
7&8 	Turning 180 degrees R - R shuffle forward - stepping R, L, R, (5:00 wall)
	Together, Rock Forward, Back, Turning Sailor Step, Together, Rock Forward, Back,
	Together, Rock Forward, Back, Together
&1,2 	Step L beside R, step/rock R forward, rock/replace weight back on L, (##)
3&4 	R turning sailor step - step R behind L turning R45, step/rock L to L side,
	rock/replace weight onto R,
&5,6 	Step L beside R, step/rock R forward, rock/replace weight back on L, (6:00 wall)
&7,8& 	Step R beside L, step/rock L forward, rock/replace weight back on R, step L beside R.
	Repeat Dance In New Direction
RESTART: (**): DURING wall 2 - dance to count 52 - then straightening up to face the
back wall - add the & count and then restart the dance from the back. 
FINISH: (##): Dance to count 58 then change the sailor step to a 225
degree turning sailor - to face the front.