Choreographed by

Anna Balaguer (July 2006)
Description 4  Wall Line Dance Beginner - 32 counts
Music Time After Time - Jake Mathews - CD: Time After Time
I'll be your sugar daddy - Arly Karlsen - CD: Country Home

1-8 	Touch - hook - turn 1/4 - kick - steps  	
1-2	touch right heel forward - hook right heel over left knee
3-4	touch right heel forward - touch right toe to the right 
5-6	turning the body 1/4 to the left  kick on right forward - cross right over left
7-8	left step backward - right next to the left

9-16 	Touch - hook - turn 1/4  - kick - steps	
9-10	touch left heel forward - hook left heel over right knee
11-12	touch left heel forward - touch left toe to the left 
13-14	turning the body 1/4 to the right  kick on right forward - cross left over right
15-16	right step backward - right next to the left

17-24 	step - scuff - grapevine - scuff 
17-18	right step forward -  scuff left next to right turning 1/4 to the left
19-20	left step to the left - scuff right next to the left
21-22	right step to the right - cross left behind right
23-24	right step to the right - scuff left next to right 

25-32 	Military turn - steps - touch
25-26	left step forward - turn 1/2 to the right
27-28	left step forward - right step next to left
29-30	left step backward - right step next to left
31-32	left step backward - touch right toe to the right

	and begin again
Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert October 2006