Choreographed by Anna Balaguer (1995)
Description 32 counts beginner 4 walls line dance
Music Everybodyıs fool  - Diamond Rio
Itıs a Dogonne Pity -Jason Allen

	Swivel - Touch - Swivel - Touch
    1-2    	left and right heel to right - return to center
    3-4    	touch right heel forward - return next to left
    5-6    	left and right heel to right - return to center
    7-8    	left and right heel to right - return to center

	Touch - Hold - Kick - Stomp
    9-10    	touch right heel forward - hold
    11-12    touch right heel backward - hold
    13-14    kick right forward - right next to left
    15-16    stomp left next to right twice

	Kick - Touch - Hook - grapevine
    17-18    kick left forward - return next to right
    19-20    touch right heel forward - hook right over left knee
    21-22    step right to right - cross lef behind right
    23-24    step right to right - scuff left next to right

	Grapevine Turning 1/4 To Left - Step Back - Step Forward - Stomp
    25-26    step left to left - cross right behind left
    27-28    step left turning 1/4 to left - scuff right next to left turning 3/4 to left
    29-30    step right backward - step left backward
    31-32    step right backward - touch left toe next to right
    33-34    step left forward - step right forward next to left
    35-36    step left forward - stomp right next to left

	begin again
Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert
http://www.arjjazedance.free-online.co.uk January 2005