Here I Go

Choreographed by 	Di Warden ( from Essex, UK ) January 2019:
Description 	32 Count 2 Wall Beginner Line Dance
Music 		Here You Come Again - Nadine Somers - 120 bpm
		Intro : 16 counts

Sec 1: 	Grapevine Right, Step touch right & left, (5 – 8 sway arms R&L optional)
1 4 	Step right to right side, step left behind right, step right to right side. touch left next to right.
5 6 	Step left to left side touch right next to left.
7 8 	Step right to right side touch left next to right.

Sec 2: 	Grapevine Left 1/4 turn, right rocking chair
1 4 	Step left to left side, step right behind left, step left to left side turning ¼ turn left,
	touch right beside left. 9.00
5 8 	Rock step right forward, recover weight onto left, rock step right back, recover weight onto left.
Sec 3: 	K Step (Claps optional on touches)
1 4 	Step right to right diagonal, touch left beside right, step left back to centre,
	touch right beside left.
5 8 	Step right back to right diagonal, touch left beside right,
	step left forward to centre, touch right beside left.

Sec 4: 	Step, paddle 1/8 left x 2, Jazz Box
1 2 	Step right forward, paddle 1/8 turn left
3 4 	Step right forward, paddle 1/8 turn left (6:00)
5 8 	Cross right over left, step left back, step right to right, step left next to right

	Repeat (No tags no restarts)
			Happy sparkly dancing		January 2019