
Choreographers: 	Jeff & Thelma Mills.
Description 	Partner Dance: 64 Count – Intermediate. Start: Facing LOD holding inside hands.
		Start with inside feet, gent’s right, ladies left.
You Choose the Music to Dance too: - (All tracks available from ITunes)
Slow Henry: 	Wedding Bell’s (112 BPM) – Henry Smith’s Country Dreams – CD: Crazy Moon
Upbeat Henry: 	Okie From Muskogee (142 BPM) – Henry Smith’s Country Dreams – CD: Crazy Moon
		Naughty Kacey: I Could Get Over Him (121BPM) – Kacey Jones CD: Nipples To The Wind
	Step Forward. Brush x 3. Shuffle. Step Side. Step Together.
1-4 	Step forward right, brush left forward, brush left across in front of right, brush left forward.
5&6 	Left shuffle forward L.R.L.
7-8 	Step right to right side, step left next to right. (Lady moves to her left)
Note: 	During counts 7 - 8: Change sides, release and pick up inside hands gent’s left ladies right.
	Step Forward. Brush x 3. Shuffle. ½ Step Pivot Turn.
9-12 	Step forward right, brush left forward, brush left across in front of right, brush left forward.
13&14 	Left shuffle forward L.R.L.
15-16 	Step forward right, pivot ½ turn left to face RLOD. (Lady turns right)
Note: 	During counts 15 - 16: Release and pick up inside hands gent’s right, ladies left.
	Step Side. Behind. ¼ Turn. Touch. Forward. ¼ Turn x 2. Touch.
17-18 	Step right to right side, step left behind right
19-20 	Step right ¼ turn left to face OLOD (lady turns right), touch left next to right. (You have now changed places)
21-22 	Step forward left, step forward right ¼ turn right to face RLOD (lady turns left).
23- 24 	Step left ¼ turn right to face ILOD (lady turns left), touch right next to left. (You have now changed places)
Note: 	During counts 17 - 19: Raise inside arms and change sides with gent passing behind lady.
	Count 20: Gent to pick up ladies left hand with his left hand and go into cross arm position with left hands on top.
	During counts 21 - 24: Raise arms and change sides with gent passing behind lady and finish in cross arm
	position with right hands on top.
	Gent:				Lady:
	¼ Turn into Windows. Rocking Chair	¾ Turn into Windows. Rock Step. ½ Step Pivot Turn
25-26 	Step Rt ¼ turn Rt to face LOD, step fwd Lt. 	Step Lt ¼ turn Lt, step right ¼ turn Lt.
27-28 	Step fwd right, touch left next to right.		Step left ¼ turn left to face RLOD, touch right next to left.
29-30 	Step and rock fwd on left, recover onto right	Step and rock back on right, recover onto left.
31-32 	Step and rock back on left, recover onto right.	Step forward on right, pivot ½ turn left. LOD
Note: 	During counts 25 - 28: Travel towards LOD and go into windows.
	During counts 29 - 30: Release gent’s right, ladies left and re-join hands under window.
	Count 32: You are now in left side by side position.

	Step Side. Behind. ¼ Turn. Touch. ¼ Turn	Step Side. Behind. ¼ Turn. Touch. ¾ Turn
	into Windows			into Windows.
33-34 	Step left to left side, step right behind left. 	Step right to right side, step left behind right.
35-36 	Step Lt ¼ turn Rt to face OLOD		Step Rt ¼ turn left to face ILOD, touch left next to Rt.
	touch right next to left
37-38 	Step Rt ¼ turn Rt to face RLOD, step fwd Lt 	Step left ¼ turn left, step right ¼ turn left.
39-40 	Step forward right, touch left next to right.	Step left ¼ turn left to face LOD, touch right next to left.
Note: 	During counts 33 - 36: Raise arms and change sides with gent passing behind lady and finish in cross arm
	position with right hands on top. During counts 37 - 40: Travel towards RLOD and go into windows

	Step ½ Pivot Turn. Step Brush. Fwd x 4	Rock Step. Fwd. Brush. Fwd. ½ Pivot Turns x 2. Fwd.
41-42 	Step forward left, pivot ½ turn right to face LOD	Step and rock back onto right, recover onto left.
43-44 	Step forward left, brush right next to left.	Step forward right, brush left next to right.
45-46 	Step forward right, step forward left.		Step fwd Lt, pivot ½ left stepping back onto Rt to face RLOD.
47-48 	Step forward right, step forward left.		Pivot ½ turn Lt stepping fwd onto Lt to face LOD, step fwd Rt.
Note: 	Count 41: Release gents right, ladies left hand. Count 42: Go into cross arm position, left arms on top.
	Count 48: Finish cross arm position, right arms on top.
	Rock. Recover. Pivot ½ Turn. Hold. x 2.
49-50 	Step and rock forward onto right, recover back onto left.
51-52 	Pivot ½ turn right to face RLOD (Lady turns left), hold.
53-54 	Step and rock forward onto left, recover back onto right.
55-56 	Pivot ½ turn left to face LOD (Lady turns right), hold.
	Forward x 3. Brush. Step. Slide. Step. Brush	Pivot ½ Turns x 2. Step. Brush. Step. Slide. Step. Brush.
57-58 	Step forward right, step forward left.		Pivot ½ turn Rt stepping back onto Lt, pivot ½ turn right
					stepping forward onto right.
59-60 	Step forward right, brush left next to right. 	Step forward left, brush next to left.
61-62 	Step forward left, slide right next to left.		Step forward right, slide left next to right.
63-64 	Step forward left, brush right next to left		Step forward right, brush left next to right.
Note: 	Count 57: Release left hands, raise right hands. Count 59: Go into right side by side position.
During Counts 61 to 64: Return to inside hands.
	‘HAPPY DANCING’ Please Note: This sheet may be copied and freely distributed as per original
Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert
http://www.arjjazedance.free-online.co.uk April 2008