Heartstrings and Angels


Choreographed by      John and Pat Hews john.hews@live.co.uk - 5th March 2012

                                    (members of Roz and Keith’s Silver Dollar Partner Dance Classes, Ashford, Kent.)

Description                 72 count partner dance. Start on right foot facing line of dance in sweetheart position.

                                    Steps are on the same foot for both except where indicated.

Music.                          Heartstrings - Katie Melua as vocals commence (CD Secret Symphony)

                                    Happy Girl - Martina McBride as vocals commence (CD Hits and More.)


1-8          Right Touch forward, kick, rock back recover, forward lock & shuffle.

1-4          Touch right to front, kick right forward, rock back on right & recover left.

5-8          Step forward right, lock left behind right, shuffle R-L-R.


916         Left Touch forward, kick, rock back recover, forward lock & shuffle.

9-12         Touch left to front, kick left forward, rock back on left & recover right.

13-16       Step forward left, lock right behind left, shuffle L-R-L.


17-24      Step half a turn, step quarter turn, cross rock & shuffle.

17-20       Step fwd right & turn a half over left shoulder step fwd right & ¼ turn o.l.d.

21-24       Rock across, right over left & recover with a side shuffle to right, facing o.l.d.


25-32      Weave to right and point, weave to left with ¼ turn to face l.o.d.

25-28       Left over right, right to right side, left behind right and point right to side.

29-32       Right over left, left to left side, right behind left with ¼ turn on left f.l.o.d.


33-40      Forward rock, back rock, fwd rock & touch (change of footwork).

33-36       Right rock forward recover, rock back recover

37-40       Right rock forward recover, lady touch right to left (man weight on) hold.


41-48      Side rock & cross shuffle, side rock & cross shuffle,

41-44       Side rock away from ptnr, recover, cross shuffle (lady to front of man)

45-48       Side rock away from ptnr, recover, cross shuffle (lady to front of man)


49-56      With a ¼ turn, side rock & cross shuffle, side rock & cross shuffle

               Bringing hands over head to crossed position between partners

49-52       Turning ¼ to face, side rock, recover, cross shuffle

53-56       Side rock, recover and forward shuffle turning ¼ to face l.o.d

               Hands back into sweetheart on ¼ turn to l.o.d.


57-64      Forward rock, back rock, fwd rock   & touch (change of footwork).

57-60       Lady, right rock forward recover, rock back recover

61-64       Lady, right rock forward recover, touch right next to left, hold.

               Man opposite footwork with weight on (replacing touch), hold.


65-72      Touch across right, left, right, left, moving forward.

65-68       Touch right foot across left, recover. Touch left across right, recover,

69-72       Touch right foot across left, recover. Touch left across right, recover.

               Start again
