Groove Across the River

Choreographed by

Lois Lightfoot , 31-10-06
Description  32 count, Beginner partner dance.Start Facing OLOD, man stands 
behind lady, Hands joined over her shoulder, Left to left, Right to right.
Men’s and ladies step are the same unless stated.
Music  Gonna move across the river - Billy Pinkney Line dance fever 12.

Sec 1 	Chasse right, rock recover, rolling ¾ turn right, Brush.
1&2 	Step right foot to side Close left to right, Step right to side.
3-4 	Rock left foot behind right, Recover weight onto right.
	(Release left hands and raise right hands)
5-8 	Man, Step left to side, cross right behind, step left ¼ turn, Brush right.
5-8 	Lady, Making ¼ right step left back, Making ½ turn right step right forward, 
	Step left forward Brush right, ( join hands in side by side position).
Sec 2 	Shuffle forward, step pivot turn, right and left.
1&2 	Step right forward, close left to right, step right forward.
3-4 	Step left forward Pivot ½ turn to right.
5&6 	Step left forward, Close right to left, Step left forward.
7-8 	Step right forward, Pivot ½ turn to left.
Sec 3 	Diagonal shuffle forward, rock back right & left.
1&2 	Step right diagonally forward step left to right step right diagonally forward.
3-4 	Rock left foot back, Recover weight onto right.
5&6 	Step left diagonally forward, Step right to left, step left diagonally forward.
7-8 	Rock right back, recover weight onto left.

Sec 4 	Box ¼ turn to right, Vine to left touch right
1-2 	Step right over left, Step left back.
3-4 	Step right to side making ¼ turn to right, Touch left next to right.
5-6 	Step left to side, Cross right behind left.
7-8 	Step left to side, Touch right next to left.
	( Steps 5-8 Ladies can make a rolling turn to left)
	Start again
Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert April 2007