Giddyup Go 

Choreographed by 	Paula Jarrard
Description	32 count, beginner/intermediate partner dance
		Man facing OLOD, lady facing ILOD, holding both hands
Music		My Cowboy - Jessie James CD: Jessie James
		Start dancing on lyrics
1-2 Step left forward, right touch
3&4 Coaster right, left, right
5-6 Step left forward, right touch
7&8 Coaster right, left, right


Holding lady's right hand only, 
turning her to face OLOD
Holding man with R hand only on count 9, 
both hands 13-16
9-10 Step left slightly, cross right behind left 9&10 L cross, step R to side, turn ¼ left 
(facing RLOD) hitching left knee
Man facing OLOD. Lady facing RLOD
11&12 In place left, right, left Coaster left, right, left
13-14 Step R, L heel touch (same as lady) Step R turn ¼ L (facing OLOD), L heel touch
Man's right holds lady's right hand and man's left holds lady's left hand. Man also facing OLOD
15-16 Step left, right heel touch (same as lady) Step left, right heel touch

At step 23, man's right hand holds lady's left hand
17&18 Right side step (right, left, right)
19&20 Left side step (left, right, left)
21-22 Back rock right, left recover
23&24 Turn left ¼ turn with coaster step right, left, right
Both now LOD


Left-right-left forward diagonal to left
27&28 Right-left-right forward diagonal to right
29&30 Rock left forward, cross right behind left, left cross
31&32 Rock right forward, cross left behind right, right cross
Count 32 leads into count 1 with turn ¼ left with left step forward for lady or turn 
¼ right with left foot forward for man. Lady facing ILOD, man facing OLOD

Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert March 2010