Fallaway Two Step
Choreographer Don Moore
Description Partner Dance in Closed Western position, dance is taught in the slow, slow, quick, quick pattern.
The Lady starts on the right , man on the left.
Music Anyway The Wind Blows - Brother Phelps - 176 bpm, 

1-6 Two step basic pattern Two step basic pattern
7-8 Step left  forward Step right  back
9-10 Step right  forward turning 1/4 right (facing OLOD Step left  back turning 1/4 left (facing ILOD)
11-12 Step left  to left side, Step right  next to left  Step right  to right side, Step left  next to right 
13-14 Step left forward turning 1/4 left (facing LOD) Step right  forward turning 1/4 right (facing LOD)
15-16 Step right  forward Step left  forward
17 Step left  forward turning 1/4 right (facing OLOD) Step right  forward turning 1/4 left (facing ILOD)
18 Step right  next to left  Step left  next to right 
19-24 Repeat steps 13-18 Repeat steps 13-18
25-26 Step left  forward (facing OLOD) Step right  back
27-28 Step right  back, pivot 1/2 left on ball of right  to face ILOD Step left  forward, pivot 1/2 right on ball of left 
29-30 Step left  in place, Step right  next to left  Step right  in place, Step left  next to right
31-32 Step left  forward Step right  back
33-34 Step right  to right side Step left  to left side
35-36 Step Lt  behind Rt  dipping slightly, Step Rt next to Lt  Step Rt  across Lt  dipping slightly, Step L  next to Rt  
37-42 Repeat steps 31-36 Repeat steps 31-36
43-44 Step left  forward Step right  back
45-46 Step right  back turning 1/2 left (facing OLOD. Lady on right) Step left  forward turning 1/2 right
Lady moves to the right parallel position (right shoulder to right shoulder) as you complete the turn on Quick, Quick
47-48 Step left  in place, Step right  next to left  Step right  in place, Step left  next to right 
S,S,Q,Q Use small steps
49-50 Step left  forward Step right  back
51-52 Step right  next to left  Step left  next to right 

Drop man's right hand as you guide the lady into a 1 full turn to the right to end in front of man to his left side

53-54 Step left  to left side, Step right  next to left  Step right. left
55-56 Step left  back Step right  forward
57-58 Step right  back Step left  forward
59 Step left  turning 1/4 left to face LOD Step right  turning 1/4 right to face RLOD
60 Step right  next to left  Step left  next to right 
Start Again!
Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert
http://www.arjjazedance.free-online.co.uk September 2001