Easier Said Than Done

Choreographed by	Rosalie Mackay (Feb 11)
Description	48 count - 2 wall - Intermediate level line dance
Music: 		Easier Said Than Done - Radney Foster
		Start on vocals 
	Forward, Forward Full Turn (Over 2 Counts), Step, Pivot ½ Turn (Or ½ Turn Sweep) 
1-3 	Step left forward, step right forward starting full turn left, lift left behind complete full turn 
	ending with left knee up in front (12:00) 
4-6 	Step left forward, step right forward, pivot turn ½ left weight on left(or step left forward, ½ turn sweep right) (6:00) 
	Traveling to left diagonal 
	Cross, Diagonal Shuffle Forward, Cross, Side, Step (Twinkle) 
1-2&3 	Cross right over left, step left to side diagonal, step right together, step left to side diagonal 
4-6 	Cross right over left, step left to side, step left in place 
	Traveling to right diagonal  
RESTART: after 12 counts on the 2nd and 6th wall facing the front 

	Cross, Diagonal Shuffle Forward, Cross, Side, Kick (Low) 
1-2&3 	Cross left over right, step right to side diagonal, step left together, step right to side diagonal 
4-6 	Cross left over right, step right to side, cross kick left over right 
	¼ Turn, Pivot ½ Turn, Full Turn Fwd Right, Left, Right (Or Waltz Fwd Right, Left, Right) 
1-3 	Turn ¼ left and step left forward (3:00), step right forward, pivot turn ½ left weight on left (9:00) 
4-6 	Step right forward, turn ½ right and step left back, turn ½ right and step right forward 

	Coaster Step, Back, Touch, ½ Turn Hook 
1-3 	Step left forward, step right together, step left back 
4-6 	Step right back, touch left toe back, ½ turn on ball of right and hook left in front of right (3:00) 
RESTART: ON 4th wall after 30 counts. Dance up to count 27 (left coaster step), 
	then waltz back turn ¼ left and step right, left, right to face the front and restart 
	Forward, Cross Unwind ½ Turn, Cross, Side Rock 
1-3 	Step left forward, cross ball of right over left unwind turn ½ left weight on left (9:00) 
4-6 	Cross right over left, rock left to side, recover to right 

	Cross, Side, Back, Rock, Side, Together 
1-3 	Cross left over right, step right to side, rock left back 
4-6 	Rock right forward, step left to side, step right together 
	Cross, Side, Step, Cross, Reverse ¾ Turn 
1-3 	Cross left over right, step right to side, step left in place 
4-6 	Cross right over left, turn ¼ right and step left back, turn ½ right and step right forward (6:00) 
Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert
http://www.arjjazedance.free-online.co.uk February 2011