
Choreographer 	Rick & Deborah Bates – June 2019 (219) 365- - bates5678@comcast.net
Description 	1 Wall 3 Count Line Dance
Music 		Drop Everything - Carlton Anderson
	Squat, Forward Shuffles, CCW Military Turn, CCW Pivot
1-2 	Squat down bending both KNEES; Straighten knees and stand upright while shifting weight to LEFT 
3&4 	Shuffle forward (RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT)
5&6 	Shuffle forward (LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT)
7-8 	Step forward on RIGHT; Pivot 1/2 turn CCW on balls of both feet and shift weight to ball of LEFT
& 	Continue pivoting another 1/4 turn CCW on ball of LEFT and brush Right next to Left
	Forward Shuffle, Side Step, Behind, Left Lunge, Touch, Knee Twist, CW Pivot
9&10 	Shuffle forward (RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT)
11-12 	Step to the left on LEFT; Cross RIGHT behind Left and step
13-14 	Take a long step to the left on LEFT; Drag RIGHT next to Left and touch
15-16 	Twist RIGHT knee to the right; Twist RIGHT knee back to center
& 	Pivot 1/4 turn CW on ball of LEFT
	Forward Shuffle, CW Pivot, Side Step, Behind, Left Lunge,
	Touch, CW Modified Monterey Turn, Brush
17&18 	Shuffle forward (RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT)
& 	Pivot 1/4 turn CW on ball of RIGHT
19-20 	Step to the left on LEFT; Cross RIGHT behind Left and step
21-22 	Take a long step to the left on LEFT; Drag RIGHT next to Left and touch
23-24 	Touch RIGHT to the right; Pivot 1/4 turn CW on ball of Left foot and brush
	RIGHT back next to Left
	Forward Shuffle, Rock Step, CCW Pivot, CCW Step Turn, CCW Pivot, Side Step, Together
25&26 S	huffle forward (RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT)
27-28 	Step forward slightly onto ball of LEFT; Rock back onto ball of RIGHT
Note: 	During the next 4 counts you will be making a 1 1/4 CCW turn with these steps
29-30 	Pivot 1/2 turn CCW on ball of Right and step forward on LEFT: Step forward on RIGHT
	and pivot 1/4 turn CCW on ball of Right
31-32 	Continue pivoting another 1/2 turn CCW on ball of Right and step to the left on LEFT;
	Bring RIGHT next to Left
	Begin Again-					June 201