Driving All Night Long

Choreographed by	 Lois Lightfoot 17-9-2009 loisjtl@hotmail.com 
Description 	32 count 4 walls Improver line dance
Music 		Life is a highway Rascal Flatts. From The album Rascal flats or Disney’s cars
		Start on Vocals BPM 103/206
Sec 1 	Right mambo forward, Left mambo back. Right lock step forward, Left step ¼ turn, cross.
1&2 	Rock forward onto right, recover weight onto left, Step right next to left.
3&4 	Rock back onto left, recover weight onto right, Step left next to right.
5&6 	Step right forward, lock left behind right, Step right forward.
7&8 	Step left forward, Pivot ¼ turn to right, Step left foot across right 
Sec 2 	Right rock step across, Left rock step across, ½ hinge turn left, Right cross shuffle.
9&10 	Rock right out to right side, Recover weight onto left, step right over left foot.
11&12 	Rock left out to left side, Recover weight onto right, Step left over right.
13-14 	Make ¼ turn left stepping right foot back, make ¼ turn left stepping left to side
15&16 	Cross right over left, step left to side, Cross right over left .
Sec 3 	Rock Left step across, Rock right step across, Rock left Recover ¼ turn right,
	Step left forward pivot ¼ turn, step across.
17&18 	Rock left out to left side, Recover weight onto right, Step left over right.
19&20 	Rock right out to right side, Recover weight onto left, step right over left
21-22 	Rock left out to side, make ¼ turn right as you recover weight onto right,
23&24 	Step left forward, Pivot ¼ turn to right, step left forward.
Sec 4 	Right rock recover, back recover, Toe strut forward & clap, Repeat with the left foot.
25&26& 	Rock forward onto right, recover weight onto left, Rock back onto left, recover weight onto right
27-28 	Step forward on the right toe, Bring right heel down and clap as you do.
29&30& 	Rock forward onto left, recover weight onto right, Rock back onto left, Recover weight onto right
31-32 	Step forward onto left toe, Bright left heel down and clap as you do.
	Start again
Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert
http://www.arjjazedance.free-online.co.uk September 2009