
Choreographed by

E.Henderson ~ elizabeth.greyfield@btinternet.com 
Description  2 wall intermediate line dance.
Music  Beachcoming – Mark Knopfler & Emmylou Harris.
CD:. All the roadrunning - start on vocals).

Right heel ball cross(twice) sweep forward, ½ turn touch coaster.
1&2 	touch right heel forward, step on right, cross left.
3&4 	as above.
5&6 	sweep right around to front, ½ turn left, touch right,
7&8 	step back on right, left beside right, right forward.

Left heel ball cross (twice) Sweep behind, ½ turn touch coaster.
1&2 	touch left heel forward, step onto right & cross left.
3&4 	as above.
5&6 	Sweep left behind right, ½ turn left, touch left.
7&8 	step back on left, right beside left, left forward.

Side rock, behind side cross, rock ½ shuffle left.
1-2. 	rock right to right recover left,,
3&4	step right behind left, left to left, cross right.
5-6 	rock forward on left recover right,
7&8 	shuffle ½ turn left, left right left. ( 6 o’clock wall.)

Right chasse, chasse ¼ turn left, rock, recover coaster step
1&2 	right to right, left beside right, right to right
3&4 	¼ turn left, stepping left to left, right beside left, left to left.
5-6 	rock forward on right, recover left.
7&8 	step right back, left beside right, right forward. ( 3 o’clock wall).

Left touches, sailor, right touches sailor,
1-2 	touch left forward, then touch left to left side.
3&4 	step left behind right, right to right, left to left.
5-6 	Touch right forward, then touch right to right side.
7&8 	right behind left, left to left, right to right.

Unwind ½ turn left, right shuffle forward, rock, recover, coaster step.
1-2 	left toe behind right, unwind ½ turn left.(keeping weight on left)
3&4 	right shuffle forward, right, left, right. ( 9 o’clock wall)
5-6 	rock forward on left, recover on right.
7&8 	step back on left, step right beside left, step forward on left.

Rock, recover, shuffle ½ turn right, full turn right, left shuffle forward.
1-2 	rock forward on right, recover left.
3&4 	shuffle ½ turn right, on right, left, right
5-6 	step back on left, 1/2 turn right, step forward on right, 1/2turn right
7&8 	shuffle forward, left, right, left. (3 o’clock wall)

Chasse ¼ turn right, chasse left, rock recover, kick ball change.
1&2 	Step right to right, left beside right, step right forward ¼ right
3&4 	step left to left, right beside left, left to left.
5-6 	rock back on right, recover on left (6 o’clock wall).
7&8 	kick right forward, step down onto ball of right, step on to left.
	Repeat and enjoy.
Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert
http://www.arjjazedance.free-online.co.uk April 2007