Dream Island

Choreographed by	David and Maxine Pateman
Description	56 Count Partner dance in Right Side by Side position aka Sweetheart position
Music		Island - Eddy Raven

1-2	Right heel touch forward, Right toe touch beside left
3&4	Right left right cha cha cha forward
5-6	Left heel touch forward, Left toe touch beside right
7&8	Left right left cha cha cha forward

9-10	Right walk, Left walk
11&12	Right left right cha cha cha forward
13-14	Left walk, Right walk
15&16	Left right left cha cha cha forward

17-18	Right step 1/4 turn right, Left knee hitch
	Gent behind lady facing out
19&20	Cha,cha cha in place
21-22	Right step 1/4 turn right, Left knee hitch
	facing RLOD Lady on Gent's left bring Gent's left arm over lady's head.
23&24	Cha cha cha in place

25-26	Right, Left
	Lady turns 1/2 turn. left lo face LOD. Take Lady's left arm followed by right over lady's head
27&28	Cha cha cha in place
29-30L	eft step to left, Right step beside left
	Gent and lady cross over from inside to outside still
	facing each other Gents left holds lady's right at lady's left hip
31&32	Cha cha cha

33-34	Rt step pinwheel 1/4 turn, Left step beside Rt
	Gent faces inside, lady faces outside
35&36	Cha cha cha
37-38	Left step pinwheel 1/4 turn, Rt step beside left
	Gent faces LOD Lady faces RLOD

39&40	Cha cha cha
41-42	Right, Left
43&44	Cha cha cha
45-46	Left walk, Right walk
	Man steps forward on Rt. passing under own left and lady's right arm. Gent then steps and 
	cha cha cha  in place Lady moves round back of gent to face LOD on Gent's Lt side
47&48	Cha cha cha
49-50	Right, left
51&52	Right Left right Cha Cha in place
	Lady steps to right. Gent crosses right over left to move to left so that lady is to 
	Gent's right in side by side position
53-54	Left walk Right walk
55&56	Left right left cha cha cha forward
September 2000