Down To The HonkyTonk (P)

Choreographed by 	Linda Byrum & Paul Brown - 765-744-8695 ~
Description 	64 count Partner Dance
		Start in closed position, man facing LOD Two Step Rhythm 
Music 		Down To The HonkyTonk - Jake Owen - 32 count lead 

1-12 	1 Two Step Set, Lady Turns To Sweetheart Position 
1-6 	Man Step left, right, left, hold, right, hold LOD 
	Lady Step right, left, right, hold, left, hold ( to rear) 
7-12 	Man Step left, (raising left hand, turning lady to sweethearts position) right
	(change hads at top of turn), left, hold, right , hold 
	Lady Step right, turning 1/4 turn to right, step left turning 1/4 turn to right (to sweetheart)
	{side by side} position, step right hold, step left, hold LOD [lady's option  1& 1/2 turn]
1-12 	Two Step Forward With 1/4 Turn To Face Partner, Two Step Weave 
1-6 	Man Step left, right, left , hold, right across left turning 1/4 turn to right,
	raising right hand over lady's head, hold, man now facing OLOD 
	Lady Step right, left, right , hold, left behind right turning 1/4 turn to left , hold lady now facing ILOD 
7-12 	Man Step left, step right behind left, left to left , hold, right across left, hold 
	Lady Step right to right,  left across right,  right to right, hold, left behind right, hold 
1-12 	Turn Lady Out To Her Right, Lariat 
1-6 	Man Step left turning 1/4 turn to left release left hand, raise right hand over lady's head, R-L-R Hold
L	ady Step right, left, right ( turning 3/4 underarm turn to right) hold,left, hold 
7-12 	Man Step left, right, left, hold, right, hold angling to right, raising right hand to go over man's head 
	Lady Step right, left, right, hold, left, hold walking around behind man to man's left side 
1-12 	Lady's Turn, Man's Underarm Turn 
1-6 	Man Step left LOD, raising right hand for lady's underarm  turn, right, left , hold, changing hands
	(man's left hand & lady's right hand), rock back on right, hold 
	Lady Step right turning 1/4 turn to left, left turning 1/4 turn to left, right, hold,
	rock back on left, hold 
7-12 	Man Step left, turning 1/4 turn to left and raising left arm for man's underarm turn,
	right turning 1/4 turn to left, left, hold, rock back on right, hold 
	Lady Step right, left, right RLOD, turning 1/2 turn to right, hold, rock back on  left, hold 
1-12	 Two Step Set, Changing Sides, Turning Lady To Side By Side 
1-6 	Man Step left, turning 1/4 turn to right and raising left arm for lady's underarm turn,
	right turning 1/4 turn to right, left, hold, right, hold 
	Lady  Step right, left, right, turning full turn to left, hold, left, hold 
5-12 	Man Step left, right, left, hold, right, hold LOD 
	Lady  Step right , left , right, hold, left, hold LOD 

1-4 	Lady's 1/2 Turn Back To Closed Position 
1-4 	Man Step left, hold, right hold raise left hand for lady's underarm turn 
	Lady Step right turning 1/4 turn to left, hold, step left turning 1/4 turn to left, hold 
	End of dance, begin again				October 2018 
Choreographed 10/21/2018 by Linda Byrum & Paul Brown