Double Eagle

Choreographed by Andy Read
Description 60 Count, Partner dance - Start in Cape Position

1-4	Vine Right: R, L, R, L Heel

5-8	Lady cross in front to Left side: L, R, L, R Heel
	Man in place: L, R, L, R Heel

9-12	Lady throw-out turning CW: R, L, R, L Heel
	Man in place raising Left arm: R, L, R, L Heel

13-16	Lady raise arms (exchange places): L, R, L, R Heel
	Man cross under Lady's arms (exchange places): L, R, L, R Heel

17-20	Lady cross under Man's arms (exchange places): R, L, R, L Heel
	Man raise arms (exchange places): R, L, R, L Heel

21-24	Lady turn CCW back to Cape Position: L, R, L, R Heel
	Man in place raising Left arm: L, R, L, R Heel

25-28	Lady throw-out turning CW to face Man: R, L, R, L Heel
	Man in place raising Left arm: R, L, R, L Heel

29-32	Lady turn CCW back to Cape Position: L, R, L, touch R toe behind
	Man in place raising Left arm: L, R, L, R toe behind

33-36	2 Kick-Ball-Change with R 

37-44	4 Shuffles starting with R 

45-46	Dropping Right hand and raising Left hand step forward R and pivot 1/2 turn Left onto L 

47-48	Repeat 45 & 46 (Resume Cape Position)

49-50	Stomp R 2 times

51-54	2 Heel Flares

55-58	L Hook - L heel out/cross over R/L heel out/back in place

59-60	R heel out and cross in front of L

Go right into R Vine to begin dance again...
Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert January 2002