Don't Mean Nothin'
Choreographed by Steve Mason - & Catherine Wake 08/03 01482-896614 - M 07702-325585  - 
Description  48 Counts, Partner Dance, Single Hand Hold – Gent’s Right Ladies Left, Both facing 
LOD.Lady’s & Gent’s Steps are virtually Mirror image, Gent starts on Left, Lady Right
Music  Life Don’t Have to Mean nothing at all- Joe Nichols

Gent 	Walk, walk, left shuffle, forward rock, recover, 1/2 turn shuffle
1-2 	Step forward on left, step forward on right,
3&4 	Shuffle forward on left, right, left
5-6 	Rock Step forward on right, recover weight to left
7&8 	Triple step right left right feet making 1/2 right to face RLOD changing hand hold to left hand
Lady 	Walk, walk, right shuffle, forward rock, recover, 1/2 turn shuffle
1-2 	Step forward on right, step forward on left,
3&4 	Shuffle forward on right, left, right,
5-6 	Rock Step forward on left, recover weight to right
7&8 	Triple step left right left feet making 1/2 left to face Reverse L O D Changing hand hold to right hand
Gent 	Forward 1/2 pivot, 1/4 turn side shuffle, behind, side, 1/4 turn, forward shuffle
9-10 	Step forward on left, pivot 1/2 turn right, release hand hold,
11&12 	Make a further 1/4 turn right to face each other (OLOD) picking up both hands stepping left to left side,
	close right to left, step left to left side,
13-14 	Cross step right behind left, Step left forward 1/4 turn left (LOD) release left hand
15&16 	Shuffle forward on right, left, right,
Lady 	Forward 1/2 pivot, 1/4 turn side shuffle, behind, side, 1/4 turn, forward shuffle
9-10 	Step forward on right, pivot 1/2 turn left, dropping hand hold,
11&12 	Make a further 1/4 turn left to face each other (ILOD) picking up both hands stepping right to right side,
	close left to right, step right to right side,
13-14 	Cross step left behind right, Step right forward 1/4 turn right (LOD) release right hand
15&16 	Shuffle forward on left, right, left
Gent 	Forward, kick, 1/4 turn right side, touch, forward, kick, back, touch
17-18 	Step forward on left, kick right forward,
19-20 	Make a 1/4 turn right joining left hand & Step right to right side (ILOD), touch left beside right
21-22 	Step diagonally right forward on Left, kick right diagonally forward (Lady will be to your left side)
23-24 	Step back on right, touch left beside right
Lady 	Forward, kick, 1/4 turn left side, touch, forward, kick, back, touch
17-18 	Step forward on right, kick left forward,
19-20 	Make a 1/4 turn left joining right hand & Step left to left side (OLOD), touch right beside left,
21-22 	Step diagonally right forward on right, kick left diagonally forward (Gent will be to your left side)
23-24 	Step back on left, touch right beside left,
Gent 	Forward, 1/2 turn, touch, forward, kick, back, touch
25-26 	Step forward on left, make 1/2 turn left stepping back on right, Lifting left hand & drop right hand (ILOD)
27-28 	Step back on left, touch right beside left, Pick up right hand hold
29-30 	Step forward diagonally right on right, kick left diagonally forward, (Lady will be to your left side)
31-32 	Step back on left, touch right beside left
Lady 	Forward, 1/2 turn, touch, forward, Kick, back, touch
25-26 	Step forward on right, make 1/2 turn right stepping back on left, Lifting right hand & release left hand (OLOD)
27-28 	Step back on right, touch left beside right, Pick up left hand hold
29-30 	Step forward diagonally right on left, kick right diagonally forward, (Gent will be to your left side)
31-32 	Step back on right, touch left beside right
Gent 	Forward, 1/2 turn, touch, 1/4 turn left shuffle forward x 2
33-34 	Step forward on right, make 1/2 turn left stepping back on left, Lifting left hand & release right hand (OLOD)
35-36 	Step back on right, touch left beside right, Pick up right hand
37&38 	Make a 1/4 turn left release left hand Shuffle forward on left, right, left, raise right hand
39&40 	Shuffle forward on Right, left, right,
Lady 	Forward, 1/2 turn, touch, 1/4 turn left shuffle forward, 1/2 turn left shuffle
33-34 	Step forward on left, make 1/2 turn right stepping back on right, Lifting right hand & release left hand (ILOD)
35-36 	Step back on left, touch right beside left, Pick up left hand
37&38 	Make a 1/4 turn right release right hand Shuffle forward on right, left, right, raise left hand
39&40 	Making 1/2 turn right Shuffle on left, right, left, (Reverse LOD)
Gent 	Forward shuffle, shuffle back, rock back, recover, forward, 1/2 pivot
41&42 S	huffle forward on left, right, left , release right hand hold & pick up left hand hold
43&44 	Making 1/2 left Shuffle back on Right, left, right, (Reverse LOD)
45-46 	Rock back on left, recover weight forward to right
47-48 	Step forward on left, releasing hands pivot 1/2 turn right.
Lady 	1/2 turn shuffle, shuffle back, rock back, recover, forward, 1/2 pivot
41&42 	Shuffle back on, right, left, right (Reverse LOD), release left hand hold & pick up right hand
43&44 	Shuffle back on, left, right, left,
45-46 	Rock back on right, recover weight forward to left 
47-48 	Step forward on right, release hands pivot 1/2 turn left.
	Begin dance again & enjoy…..
Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert November 2003