Dixie Waltz

d by:

Phil Johnson (UK) Sept 2006 ~ partyzone@wymingbrook.co.uk
Description 78 count, 4 wall, intermediate level
Music Bitter End - The Dixie Chicks - 156 bpm
CD: Taking The Long Way - Intro 48 counts

	¼ Left Turning Basic Waltz Steps Forward and Back x 2
1-3 	¼ turn left stepping left forward, rock on right to right side, recover weight on left;
4-6 	¼ turn left stepping back on right, rock left to left side, recover weight on right;
7-9 	¼ turn left stepping left forward, rock on right to right side, recover weight on left;
10-12 	¼ turn left stepping back on right, rock left to left side, recover weight on right. (12 o’clock)
Note:- 	as you ¼ turn you should start by moving to the wall on a diagonal (about an 1/8th turn to start)
	and then square up to the wall for the second step of the basic waltz step to complete the ¼ turn so the
	feet are moving in a diamond shape pattern for counts 1 -12
	Left Coaster; Right Twinkle, Extended Grapevine Right
13-15 	Step back on left, step right beside left, step forward on left;
16-18 	Cross step right over left, rock on left to left side, step on right in place;
19-21 	Cross step left behind right, step right to right side, cross step left over right;
22-24 	Step right to right side, cross step left behind right, step (rock) right to right side. (12 o’clock)
	¼ Turn Left x 2 . Right Coaster Step, Cross Point with finger clicks x 2
25-27 	¼ turn left stepping forward on left, ¼ turn left rocking right to right side, recover weight on left;(6 o’clock)
28-30 	Step back on right, step left beside right, step right forward ;
31-33 	Cross step left over right, point right to right side, hold and click fingers at head height;
NOTE 	that the hands should be either side of the head
34-36 	Cross step right over left, (crossing arms in front of chest) point left to left side, hold and clickfingers (6 o’clock)
Styling note – when cross stepping dip down slightly and rise up on the point
	Forward, ½ turn left, step; Right Coaster; Basic Waltz Step ¼ turning Left , Right Coaster Step
37-39 	Step forward on left, ½ turn left stepping back on right, step left beside right; (12 o’clock)
40-42 	Step back on right, step left beside right, step right forward;
43-45 	¼ turn left stepping left forward, rock right to right side, recover weight on left; (9 o’clock)
46-49 	Step back on right, step left beside right, step right forward.
	Weave Right and Left
50-52 	Cross step left over right; step right to right side, cross step left behind right;
53-55 	Step right to right side, cross step left in front of right, step (rock0 right to right side;
56-59 	Step left to left side, cross step right behind left, step left to left side;
56-60 	Cross step right over left, step left to left side, cross step right behind left. (9 o’clock)
	Left and Right Scissor Steps, Step Touches Left and Right, Hold/click fingers x 2
61-63 	Step left to left side, step right beside left, cross step left over right;
64-66 	Step right to right side, step left beside right, cross step right over left
67-69 	Slight jump/rock to left side, touch right behind left, hold and click fingers (to left side of head)
70-72 	Slight jump/rock to right side, touch left behind right, hold and click fingers (to right side of head)
73-75 	Slight jump/rock to left side, touch right behind left, hold and click fingers (to left side of head)
76-78 	Slight jump/rock to right side, touch left behind right, hold and click fingers (to the right side of the head) (9 o’clock)
Styling note – on the slight jump/touches sway as you do it. Emphasise the movement with your arms
	       (moving in a slight arc right to left, click and left to right. click)
Wall 2 – Omit the last six steps (counts 73 -78) (save them for wall five!). You will be facing 6 o’clock for
the omission
Wall 5 (starting facing front) At the end add two more slight jump/touches left and right (repeat steps 73-78 ) 
You will be facing 9 o’clock for the additional steps)
Wall 6 to the end dance as per the script. You will finish facing front on count 74 (Jump/ touch). Add
your own styling for the finish e.g. left and right arms to left side with index fingers pointing to the floor.