Dirty Little Town
Choreographed by Bernard et Michelle Roy - bm.roy@videotron.ca Description Beginner-intermediate Partner Dance 64 counts Position, side by side, Face LOD Man and Lady’s step are the same except where indicated Music This Dirty Little Town, Kieran Kane Intro: 16 counts, with the song
1-8 Heel, Hook, Heel, Touch, Step Slide Step, Scuff. 1-4 Left heel forward, Hook L in front of R, Left heel forward, Touch L next to R 5-8 Step L forward, Slide R next to L, Step L forward, Scuff R.
9-16 Heel, Hook, Heel, Touch, Step Slide Step, Scuff. 1-4 Right heel forward, Hook R in front of L, left heel forward, touch R next to L. 5-8 Step R forward, Slide L next to R, Step R forward, Scuff L.
17-24 M: Step, Step, Step, Touch, Right Vine, Heel. Face LOD L: ½ Turn Right, Touch, Right Vine, Heel. Face RLOD. 1-4 M: Step L, R, L, in place, Touch R next to L. L: Step L, R, L, ½ turn Right, Touch R next to L. RLOD Lift arms, Lady passes under the arms, to finish face to face, don’t release hands. 5-8 Step R to R, L behind R, R to R, Point Left heel slightly diagonal to the left.
25-32 M; Left Vine, Touch, Right diagonal step slide, step, Touch L: Left Vine, Touch, Step, Step, Step, ½ Turn Around Man, Touch. 1-4 Step L to L, R behind L, L to L, Touch R next to L. 5-8 M; Step R to R, Slide L to R, Step R to R, Touch L next to R. L; Step R, L, R, ½ circle right around man, Touch L next to R Lift arms, Lady passes under the arms making a half circle around the man to finish in left side by side With hands in front Volkswagen position. Facing LOD
33-40 Back Step, Step, Step, Kick, Back Step, Step, Step Kick 1-4 Step L, R, L, backward, Kick R forward 5-8 Step R, L, R, backward, Kick L forward
41-48 Slow Coaster step, Scuff, Step Lock, Step, Scuff. 1-4 Step L backward, Step R next to L, Step L forward, Scuff R. 5-8 Step R forward, Lock L behind R, Step R forward, Scuff L.
49-56 M; Step, Step, Step, Touch, Step, Scuff, Step, Scuff; L; Step, Step, Step, Full Turn Right, Touch, Step Scuff, Step, Scuff. 1-4 M: Step L, R, L, in place, Touch R next to L L; Step L, R, L, Full turn Right, Touch R next to L. Lift arms, lady makes a full turn crossing in front of man to finish in right side by side position 5-8 Step R forward, Scuff L, Step L forward, Scuff R.
57-64 Full Turn Right, Step, Step Slide, Step, Scuff. 1-4 Step R, L, R, Full turn Right, Step L forward Release left hands, lift right arms, make full turn right passing under the arms. 5-8 Step R, Slide L next to R, Step R forward, Scuff L. Ready to start again.