Dirt On My Boots
Choreographer: Al Ord (St Neots UK. al.ord@btinternet.com ) Oct 2017 Description: 32 Count Partner Dance, Start:Man facing OLOD, Lady facing ILOD Double Hand Hold Mans steps listed. Lady opposite footwork throughout Music: Dirt On My Boots - Jon Pardi (start on vocals)
Side Rock, Recover, Behind Side Cross. (Man Rocks to Right, Lady Rocks to Left) Side Rock, Recover, Sailor ¼ Turn 1,2 Rock Rt to Rt Side, Recover onto Lt, 3&4 Step Rt behind Lt, Step Lt to Lt Side, Cross Rt over Lt 5,6 Rock Lt to Lt side, Recover onto Rt, 7&8 Step Lt behind Rt, make ¼ turn Lt onto Rt, Step Lt Fwd Hands: Count 7 release Mans Lt Ladies Rt hands into inside hand hold
Toe Heel Stomp x 2. Mambo Fwd, Mambo Back 9&10 Toe Rt Toe beside Lt, Touch Rt Heel beside Lt, Stomp Fwd on Rt 11&12 Toe Lt Toe beside Rt, Touch Lt Heel beside Rt, Stomp Fwd on Lt. 13&14 Rock Rt Fwd, Recover on Lt, Step Rt back. 15&16 Rock Lt Back, Recover on Rt, Step Fwd Lt
Shuffle Fwd ½ Turn Lt x 2. Step Fwd Bump Rock Back Bump Step Fwd Bump x 2 17&18 Step Fwd Rt ¼ Lt, Step Lt beside Rt, Step Back Rt ¼ Lt, 19&20 Step Back Lt ¼ Lt, Step Rt beside Lt, Step Lt Fwd ¼ turn Lt 21&22 Step Fwd Rt bumping Rt Hip Rt, Rock back Lt bumping Lt Hip Lt, Step Fwd Rt bumping Rt Hip Rt. 23&24 Step Fwd Lt bumping Lt Hip Lt, Rock Back Rt bumping Rt Hip Rt, Step Fwd Lt bumping Lt Fwd. Hands: During shuffle turns change hands behind backs and finish facing LOD inside hand hold
Rock Fwd, Recover, Shuffle ½ Turn, Step Fwd, Pivot ½ Turn, ¼ Turn Side Shuffle 25-26 Rock Rt Fwd, Recover onto Lt, 27&28 Step back Rt ¼ turn Rt, Step Lt beside Rt, Step Rt ¼ turn Rt 29-30, Step Fwd Lt, Pivot ½ turn Rt onto Rt, 31&32 Step Lt ¼ turn Rt, Step Rt beside Lt, Step Lt to Lt side Hands: During shuffle ½ turn change to new inside hands, On the pivot release hands, On ¼ turn shuffle rejoin in double hand hold facing partner in start position. Start Again October 2017