Desperate Two
Revised |
R SIDE SHUFFLE: ROCK BACK: RECOVER: L SIDE SHUFFLE: ROCK BACK: RECOVER 1&2 Right step to right side, Left close beside right, Right step to right see 3-4 Left step back slightly behind Right, Recover weight forward on to Right 5&6 Left step to left side, Right close beside left, Left step to left side 7-8 Right step back slightly behind Left, Recover weight forward on to LeftSYNCOPATED VINE RT WITH POINT, TOUCH FWD: SIDE, 1/4TURN RIGHT, POINT LT 1-2 Right step to right side, Left cross behind Right &3 Right step to Right side, Left cross over right 4 Touch Right toe to Right side (weight on Left) 5-6 Touch Right toe forward, Touch Right toe to Right side 7-8 Make 1/4 turn Right stepping on to Right (man steps to ladies right and slightly back into sweetheart position) Point Left toe to left side - now facing RLODL ROCK FORWARD: RECOVER:1/2 TURN SHUFFLES x 3 1-2 Left step forward, Recover weight back on to Right 3&4 Drop outside hands and turning over Left shoulder make 1/2 turn and shuffle forward Left (both man and lady make all the turns - raised joined right hands over heads) 5&6 Keep turning Left make 1/2 turn and shuffle back Right 7&8 Keep turning Left make 1/2 turn and shuffle forward Left (easier option for counts 5&6, 7&8 is to shuffle forward Right, Left) Rejoin left hands in sweetheart position - now facing LODR ROCK: RECOVER: COASTER: L ROCK: RECOVER: BEHIND:1/4 TURN: CROSS 1-2 Right step forward, Recover weight back on to Left 3&4 Right step back, Left close beside Right, Right step forward 5-6 Left step forward, Recover weight back on to Right 7&8 Left step back, make 1/4 turn Right stepping Right to side, Left cross over Right (Back into Indian position)START AGAIN
Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert May 2004