Choreographed by Anna Balaguer (July 2005)
Description 48 count, 1 Wall - Intermediate Waltz Line dance
Music The Seashores Of Old Mexico - George Strait 
CD: Somewhere Down in Texas

	Military turn - touch - slow coaster step
1-3 	step right forward - turn 1/2 to left, touch right heel forward
4-6 	step right backward - left next to right (weight on left) step right forward

	Military turn - touch - slow coaster step
7-9 	step left forward - turn 1/2 to right, touch left heel forward
10-12 	step left backward - right next to left (weight on right), step left forward

	Rock step - touch
13-15 	step right to right - replace on left, Step right heel cross over left

	strut - step - step
16-18 	drop right toe - left step backward, right next to left

	step - slide - hook
19-21 	step left forward - slide right next to left, hook left heel under right knee
22-24 	step left forward - slide right next to left, hook left heel under right knee

Now starting with left:
	Military turn - touch - slow coaster step
25-27 	step left forward - turn 1/2 to right, touch left heel forward
28-30 	step left backward - right next to left (weight on right), step left forward

	Military turn - touch - slow coaster step
31-33 	step right forward - turn 1/2 to left, touch right heel forward
34-36 	step right backward - left next to right (weight on left) step right forward

	Rock step - touch
37-39 	step left to left - replace on right, Step left heel cross over right

	strut - step - step
40-42 	drop left toe - right step backward, left next to right

	step - slide - hook
43-45 	step right forward - slide left next to right, hook right heel under left knee
46-48 	step right forward - slide left next to right, hook right heel under left knee
	begin again
Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert
http://www.arjjazedance.free-online.co.uk September 2005