Dancin' Snowflakes (Couple)

Choreographed By Larry Wilson & Gayle Lowery
 Couples' Dance done in the Side-By-Side Position.

        1 -  4               Grapevine Right, Kick L forward.
        5 -  8               Grapevine Left, Kick R forward.

         9 - 12               Run back R, L, R, end with CW Scoot-Pivot.
       13 - 16               Shuffle L, R, L, end with CCW Hitch-Pivot.

        17 - 24               Repeat Steps 1-8.

        25 - 28               Run back R, L, R, end with CCW Scoot-Pivot.
       29 - 32               Shuffle L, R, L, end with CCW Hitch-Pivot.

        33 - 40               Repeat Steps 1-8.

        41 - 44               Run back R, L, R, end with CW Scoot-Pivot.
       45 - 48               Shuffle L, R, L, end with CCW Hitch-Pivot.

       49 - 56               Repeat Steps 1-8.

        57 - 60               Run back R, L, R, end with CCW Scoot-Pivot.
       61 - 64               Shuffle L, R, L, end with CCW Hitch-Pivot.