Choreographed by Cinta Larrotcha http://www.country-jukebox.com 
Description 32 Count Partner Dance, Start in Side by Side 
(Sweetheart) Position
- Lady & Gent on same 
footwork throughout except where indicated
Music Dancin' Shoes - Ronnie McDowell 126bpm
No Shirt, No Shoes, No Problem - Kenny Chesney 116bpm
Gonna Walk that Line - Randy Travis 166bpm

	Heel Touches
1-2 	Touch Right heel forward, Step right foot next to left,
3-4 	Touch Left heel forward, Step Left foot next to right
5-8 	Repeat counts 1 to 4
	Triple ½ Turn, Shuffle, Triple ½ Turn Shuffle
9-12 	Turn ½ turn to left stepping, R, L, R, Shuffle back (to LOD) stepping L, R, L
	(On turn, drop left hands keep right hands joined behind gent’s back)
13-16 	Turn ½ turn right stepping R, L, R, Shuffle forward stepping L, R, L
	(Regain sweetheart hold)
	Shuffle Forward, Pivot ½ Turn, Shuffle Forward, Pivot ½ Turn
17-20 	Shuffle forward stepping R, L, R, Step fwd on Left, Pivot ½ turn to right
21-24 	Shuffle forward stepping L, R, L, Step fwd on Right, Pivot ½ turn to left
	Stomp, Stomp, Toe Touches, Stomp, Hold
25-26 	Gent 	Stomp Right twice next to left (end weight on right)
	Lady 	Stomp Right twice next to left (end weight on left)
27-28 	Gent 	Touch Left toes to left side, Touch toes with partner in front
	Lady 	Touch Right toes to right side, Touch toes with partner in front
29-30 	Gent 	Touch Left toes to left side, Touch toes with partner behind
	Lady 	Touch Right toes to right side, Touch toes with partner behind
31-32 	Gent 	Stomp Left next to right, Hold (weight on left)
	Lady 	Stomp Right next to left, Hold (weight on left)
Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert
http://www.arjjazedance.free-online.co.uk April 2005